- The year 2009 was a challenging one for the Malaysian palm oil industry amid the lingering effects of a weak global economy and issues on sustainability and environment associated with oil palm cultivation. Nevertheless, the industry still remains resilient, recording a satisfactory performance with exports of oil palm products rising by 2.9%, although export earnings declined by 24.0% to reach RM 49.6 billion because of the relatively lower oil palm product prices traded in 2009.
- The total oil palm planted area in the country increased by 4.5% to 4.69 million hectares in 2009. Among the regions, Sarawak registered the largest increase in planted area with a growth of 12.8%, followed by Peninsular Malaysia 3.3% and Sabah 2.1%. Sabah is still the largest oil palm planted State, accounting for 1.36 million hectares or 29% of the total planted area in the country.
- Crude palm oil (CPO) production declined by 1.0% to 17.56 million tonnes. Production was affected by the biological stress from the bumper production of the previous year and the effects of heavy rainfall early this year in Sabah and Sarawak, which curbed the output of fresh fruit bunches (FFB). The national average FFB yield per hectare fell 4.9% to 19.2 tonnes. On a regional basis, Sabah was the worst affected with average FFB yields declining by 8.1%, followed by Sarawak 5.7% and Peninsular Malaysia 1.4%. However, good agricultural and milling practices saw improvements in the average oil extraction rate (OER) achieved, which rose to 20.49% as against 20.21% in 2008. All in all, the average oil yield per hectare declined by 3.7% to 3.93 tonnes on account of lower FFB yields.
- Total exports of oil palm products, consisting of palm oil, palm kernel oil, palm kernel cake, oleochemicals, biodiesel and finished products increased by 2.9% or 0.64 million tonnes to 22.40 million tonnes in 2009 from 21.76 million tonnes recorded in 2008. However, total export earnings declined by 24.0% or RM15.62 billion to RM49.59 billion compared to the record RM65.22 billion achieved in 2008 because of lower export prices. Most of the oil palm products registered increases in exports, except for finished products.
- Exports of palm oil gained 2.9 % to 15.87 million tonnes in 2009 as against 15.41 million tonnes in 2008. China, P.R continued to maintain its position as the largest palm oil export market for the eight (8) consecutive year, with off-take totaling 4.03 million tonnes or 25.4% of total palm oil exports, followed by the European Union (EU) 1.89 million tonnes (11.9%), Pakistan 1.76 million tonnes (11.1%), India 1.35 million tonnes (8.5%), USA 0.86 million tonnes (5.4%), Egypt 0.61 million tonnes (3.8%) and Ukraine 0.54 million tonnes (3.4%). These seven (7) markets combined accounted for 11.04 million tonnes or 69.6% of total Malaysian palm oil exports in 2009.
- The increase in palm oil exports was mainly due to higher export volume to Pakistan, India, Egypt, China, P.R, South Korea, Russia, Iran and Ukraine contributed to the strong palm oil export performance this year. Palm oil exports to Pakistan rose sharply by 39.8% to 1.76 million tonnes due to the positive effect of the 10% Margin of Preference (MoP) imposed on imported palm oil from Malaysia. Exports to India surged by 38.7% or 0.38 million tonnes due to lower import duties imposed on both crude and processed palm oil, i.e. at 0% and 7.5% respectively (effective April, 2008), coupled with the reduction in domestic oilseeds production arising from the poor monsoon. The price competitiveness of palm oil saw exports to Egypt rising by 75.3% to 0.61 million tonnes, while exports to South Korea rose by 49.3% to 0.29 million tonnes due to lower imports of soyabean oil.
- The continued strong economic growth and rising household income in China, P.R further boosted demand for Malaysian palm oil, with exports rising by 6.3% to 4.03 million tonnes in 2009. In addition, the local expansion of fractionation capacity and import tariff reduction on palm stearin from 8% to 4% also contributed to the export increase. Exports to Ukraine witnessed an increase of 11.9% to 0.54 million tonnes in 2009 attributed to an increase in re-exports to neighbouring countries, namely Kazakhstan and Russia.Some Malaysian palm oil export markets also posted declines during the year. Exports to Jordan and the UAE witnessed a sharp decline, down by 99.0% and 47.8% to 3,858 tonnes and 0.19 million tonnes respectively, mainly because of reduced re-exports to neighbouring countries such as Syria, which preferred to import palm oil directly from Malaysia. Palm oil off-take by the US declined by 18.0% to 0.86 million tonnes due to higher intake of soyabean from Canada for domestic crushing.1 Overview of the Malaysian Oil Palm Industry 2009
- Meanwhile, palm oil exports to the EU fell by 7.7% to 1.89 million tonnes, arising from an increase in its domestic vegetable oils production, especially rapeseed oil which rose by 39% to 0.48 million tonnes during Oct/Sept 2008/09.
- Palm kernel oil exports increased by 6.7% to 1.12 million tonnes in 2009. USA was the major export market for palm kernel oil with 0.23 million tonnes (or 20.4% of total palm kernel oil exports), followed by China,P.R 0.19 million tonnes (16.7%), the EU 0.10 million tonnes (9.2%) and Japan 0.08 million tonnes (6.8%).
- Exports of palm kernel cake increased by 5.2% to 2.38 million tonnes. The major palm kernel cake export markets were the EU with 1.37 million tonnes (or 57.6% of total palm kernel cake exports), South Korea 0.35 million tonnes (14.7%) and New Zealand 0.32 million tonnes (13.4%).Exports of oleochemical products rose by 4.4% to 2.17 million tonnes in 2009.
- The major export markets for oleochemicals were the EU with 0.55 million tonnes (25.3% of total oleochemical exports), China, P.R 0.37 million tonnes (17.1%), USA 0.17 million tonnes (7.8%) and Japan 0.17 million tonnes (7.6%). The major oleochemical products exported were fatty acids (0.83 million tonnes or 38.2% of total oleochemical exports), followed by fatty alcohol (0.46 million tonnes or 21.2%), soap noodles (0.38 million tonnes or 17.5%), methyl ester (0.24 million tonnes or 11.1%) and glycerine [ 0.24 million tonnes (11.0%).
- Exports of finished products declined by 13.6% to 0.58 million tonnes from 0.67 million tonnes in 2008. The major export markets were Iraq with 124,499 tonnes (or 21.5% of total exports of finished products), followed by Pakistan 35,932 tonnes (6.2%) and Russia 33,627 tonnes (5.8%). The major products exported under this category were shortening and vegetable ghee/vanaspati with 205,816 tonnes and 189,584 tonnes respectively.
- Exports of biodiesel increased by 24.9% to 0.23 million tonnes in 2009 as against 0.18 million tonnes recorded in 2008. The EU was the largest biodiesel export market, accounting for 119,277 tonnes (or 52.4% of total biodiesel exports), followed by USA with 39,594 tonnes (17.4%).
- Palm oil stocks for the year closed at 2.24 million tonnes, up by 12.2% as compared to the previous year’s closing level of nearly 2.0 million tonnes. The decline in exports by 19.5% and the one-and-half fold increase in CPO imports in December 2009 against the previous month contributed to the higher palm oil closing stocks at the end of the year.
- CPO prices traded at RM2,241.50/tonne during the first half of the year, supported by positive sentiments related to higher crude oil prices and supply tightness of vegetable oils in the world market as well as the low domestic palm oil stocks. However, during the second-half of the year bearish sentiments prevailed in the market influenced by the sharp decline in crude oil price as well as that of other vegetable oils prices, coupled with high palm oil stocks and fears of a continued global recession. This resulted in the monthly average CPO price declining below the RM 2,200/tonne level since September, 2009. The average CPO price in 2009 decreased by 19.2% or RM533.00 to RM2,244.50 against RM2,777.50 in the previous year. Palm oil prices traded quite widely during the year, with the highest monthly average CPO price recorded in May at RM2,743.50 and the lowest attained in January at RM1,842.00.
- In line with the overall decline in local CPO prices, the average export price for processed palm oil products also decreased, namely RBD palm oil, down by RM357.00 or 13.2% to RM2,342.00; RBD palm olein by RM607.50 or 19.9% to RM2,447.00; and RBD palm stearin by RM474.50 or 18.6% to RM2,076.50.
- The average price of palm kernel in 2009 declined by 35% or RM577.00 to RM1,070.00 from RM1,647.00 in the previous year because of lower CPKO prices in the domestic market. The average price of CPKO declined by 31.9% or RM1,095.50 to RM2,341.50 from RM3,437.00 in the previous year as a result of lower lauric oil prices in the world market. In the case of FFB, its average price at2 Overview of the Malaysian Oil Palm Industry 2009
- 1% OER was down by 25% to RM22.62 from RM30.16 in the previous year in tandem with lower CPO and PK prices. Based on the national OER, the average price of FFB in 2009 is equivalent to RM465/tonne as against RM610/tonne in the previous year.
- CPO production is forecast to rise by 3.1% to 18.1 million tonnes in 2010 because of a recovery in FFB yields and an expansion in matured area. The outlook for palm oil prices continues to remain strong in view of the global oils and fats tightness, coupled with the increase in vegetable oils demand amid improving global economic situation.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Overview of the Malaysia Oil Palm Industry 2009
Hutan di KLIA
- Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur atau KLIA.
- Saya amat meminati konsep hutan yang digunakan di KLIA.
- Apa sahaja perkara berkaitan dengan tumbuhan, pokok dan alam sekitar amat menarik minat saya.
- Memandang pokok sesuatu yang mengujakan.
- Membuat landskaping di rumah serta kilang menjadi salah satu agenda harian saya.
- Melihat kecantikan tumbuhan mengingatkan saya tentang kebesaran Allah.
- Saya juga amat meminati pertanian. Hari ini pun bekerja di sektor pertanian.
- Ikut resam pokok, lebih banyak memberi daripada menerima. Manusia yang baik adalah manusia yang suka menolong orang lain. Pokok memberi makanan kepada hidupan manusia dan haiwan. Pokok memberi perlindungan pada cahaya panas matahari serta global warming.
- Pokok menukar sesuatu yang buruk (cas negatif kpd positif, co2 kpd o2) serta banyak lagi. Menukar pencemaran kepada keindahan serta udara yang nyaman.
- Usaha serta konsep hijau perlu diteruskan.
- Jika kita menanam satu pokok, bayangkan berapa banyak pahala kita dapat sehari. Setiap kali oksigen dihasilkan, setiap kali buah dimakan manusia, selagi itu pahala masuk ke kocek amal kita.
- Suka tengok ciptaan Allah Yang Maha Besar.
Zawawi - xIkhwan xMRSM kt Sahabat

- Zawawi aka Awie adalah vokalis kumpulan nasyid Al Ikhwan di MRSM KT 1995 - 1996. Suaranya amat merdu dan menusuk jiwa. Moga dia meneruskan bakatnya yang sedia ada.
- Setelah hampir 14 tahun (1996 - 2010) tidak berjumpa, kami bertemu di Masjid Sultan Salahudin - Shah Alam pada 22hb. Jan 2010.
- Kami ditemukan oleh Facebook.
- Walaupun perjumpaan singkat, namun amat bermakna.
- Semoga hubungan silaturahim ini berkekalan dunia dan akhirat.
- Sahabat, di dunia dan di akhirat.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
PALAPES Dalam Kenangan
Friday, 22 January 2010
Conducting On-Site Audits; Listening
Being a good listener as a critical job requirement for all auditors. Active listening is characterised by:
- Involvement
- Writing things down
- Parapharasing
Some interesting things about listening:-
- Hearing is not listening.
- when we talk we only have to say something that we already know. When we listen we learn what someone else knows.
- Listening is the first sense learnt by humans, yet is often the most difficult to master.
- We learn to listen before we learn to talk, before we learn to write. we often write and talk than we listen!
Thursday, 21 January 2010
QMS Criteria & Objective Evidence
Process flows, Flow Charts, System Diagrams, Resource Plans, Manpower Plans, Raw Material Plans, Outsourced, Standards, Specifications, Limits, Service Targets, KPI, Budget, Insepctions Plans, Audit Report, Test Report, Bechmarking, Management Review
4.2.1 General
a. Quality Objectives, Quality Policy
b. Quality manual
c. Mandotory documented procedures and record required by the standard. procedures such as : Control of documents, Control of records, Internal audit, control of noncorforming product, corrective action, preventive action
5.1 Management commitment
Budget, Business plan, communication, Policy Statements, Awareness training & newsletter, Goals & obkectives, Performance management review
5.2 Customer focus
Client Chart, Strategic Plans, Goal, Objectives, Reources allocation for customer service,
to be continue..........
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Wang Hantaran
- Apa beza wang hantaran dan mas kawin?
- Mas kawin adalah wajib semasa melangsungkan perkahwinan. Bakal suami wajib membayar sejumlah wang - emas - atau sebagainya kepada bakal isteri. Menjadi hak bakal isteri.
- Wang hantaran pula adalah budaya masyarakat setempat. Jumlahnya boleh mencecah beribu - ribu ringgit bergantung kepada pemikiran ibubapa anak perempuan.
- Jika di Kelantan, tiada istilah wang hantaran. Istilah mas kawin dan wang hantaran ditafsirkan perkara yang sama. Selalunya hanya mas kawin, disebut dalam akad dan menjadi hak perempuan. Terpulang pada isteri jika beliau ingin memberi sebahagian pada keluarga untuk belanja perkahwinan. Sebahagian untuk membeli emas serta perhiasan. Dulu, orang perempuan boleh membeli tanah dengan mas kawin!
- Di luar Kelantan, mas kawin telah ditetapkan mengikut negeri. Daripada beberapa ringgit kepada beberapa ratus ringgit.
- Persepsi dan budaya yang tidak betul seperti berikut :-
a. Masyarakat amat mementingkan wang hantaran. Jumlahnya menjadi modal untuk berbangga sesama jiran tetangga. Dalam Islam - kita disuruh untuk mempermudahkan perkahwinan. Jika wang hantaran sahaja sudah mencecah berpuluh ribu ringgit, mana lagi duit untuk belanja kenduri? Tiada cara lain melainkan berhutang dengan bank @ along! Taraf pendidikan anak serta jenis kerjaya bukan alasan utama untuk menentukan nilai wang hantaran.
b. Pihak lelaki terpaksa mengeluarkan belanja kenduri semasa perkahwinan di pihak perempuan. Bukankah kenduri itu tanggungjawab ibubapa? Ada masyarakat yang menggunakan duit hantaran untuk belanja kenduri. Tinggi wang hantaran, meriahlah kenduri. Pihak lelaki tadi sudah tentu baru bekerja. Hutang PTPTN belum habis, loan kereta belum habis, apa yang diharap bakal suami ini untuk menjana serta menyara ekonomi selepas perkahwinan? sudah tentu dia akan terlibat dengan rasuah selepas kawin kerana hutang kawin terpaksa diselesaikan selepas beberapa tahun kawin!
c. Duit saguhati semasa kenduri. Sudah menjadi budaya, tetamu yang datang akan menghulurkan wang untuk membantu meringankan beban keluarga. Adakah betul tu? Kenduri disunnatkan untuk meraikan perkahwinan, untuk berkongsi kegembiraan, serta sebagai makluman kepada saudara, rakan taulan mengenai perkahwinan tersebut. Jadi, tiada istilah dibantu. Buat sekadar yang mampu. Kalau buat majlis melebihi kemampuan, sudah tentu tidak gembira selepas perkahwinan. Jika semua tetamu dari kalangan orang kaya raya ok, tetapi bagaimana jika orang miskin, hendak datang ke majlis kawin pun berfikir banyak kali.
d. Majlis perkahwinan anak bukan promosi politik atau apa sahaja niat yang ada.
e. Majlis perkahwinan bukan pentas pertandingan. Bertanding jumlah wang hantaran paling tinggi. Bertanding jumlah wang yang dapat dikutip selepas majlis kawin. Bertanding untuk menentukan majlis anak mana yang paling 'berjaya'. Ingat, utamakan yang wajib, jangan berlebih - lebihan dengan perkara sia - sia hingga membazir.
sesungguhnya, saya tahu ramai di luar sana tidak bersetuju dengan saya. Ibarat menongkah arus deras budaya masyarakat Melayu. Kita kena kembali pada ajaran agama, kelak kehidupan sepasang suami isteri yang baru melangsungkan perkahwinan tidak akan dibebani pelbagai masalah pada masa hadapan.
Ingatlah, bukan semua lelaki di luar sana anak orang kaya. Ada yang baru bekerja. Masih membayar hutang PTPTN. Masih mempunyai ibubapa serta adik - adik untuk dibantu. Dia juga bakal menyara seorang isteri dan bakal anak yang akan dilahirkan. Dia juga perlu menyediakan rumah, belanja dapur, serta segalanya untuk anak perempuan atau isterinya nanti.
Jika beliau telah mengeluarkan berpuluh ribu duit semasa berkahwin, adakah mahligai masjid yang dibinanya itu nanti akan kukuh? Dari mana sumber kewangan itu hendak di cari?
Menteri Besar Kelantan mendakwa, semua anak perempuannya bermas kawinkan hanya seribu ringgit. Perempuan yang baik adalah yang paling rendah maharnya.
Buatkan kenduri mengikut kemampuan. Jangan berhutang.
Jika tidak, itu akan menyusahkan. Tindakan mengelakkan perkahwinan akan berlaku. Menggalakkan maksiat.
Audit Concept; Organisation and process
To achieve these golas auditors need to have a real understanding of the auditee's organisation and it's processes. The audit function needs to be aware of strategis (planning) information such as vision and goals in order to evaluate policies and operational activities effectively. Similarly, process based activities and associated inputs, outputs, controls and resources, need to be understood in diffferent contexts if they are to be verified appropriately.
Understanding would include information on
- Vision and mission
- Goals & objectives
- Strengths and weakness
- Core processes and activities outcomes
- Management processes and activities
- Sub - contracted process and activities
- Support process and activities
- Organisational structure; respolsibility / authorities
- Organisational units, deoartments and work environments
- Infrastructure; facilities and equipment
- Quality system docomentation
- Process maps
- External documentation
- Technical requirements
- Employee numbers and competencies
- Work hour and shifts
- Workplace, environment and safety issues
Key point
Understanding the organisation enhances the effectiveness of an audit
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Sabah Sarawak Gas Pipelines Project
- Jarak lebih 500 km dari Kimanis, Sabah sehingga Bintulu, Sarawak.
- Gas dari Sabah ke Bintulu.
- Kos bernilai lebih 4 billion.
- Paip dibina disebabkan pelaburan untuk membina kilang pemprosesan baru di Sabah lebih mahal berbanding membina paip.
- Dibina oleh kontraktor India.
- Melalui kawasan ladang sawit.
- Merentasi gunung - ganang, bukit bakau, sungai, paya, serta apa sahaja di sepanjang 500 km.
- Salah satu projek mega Petronas.
Audit Obejctives
- Verify requirements
- Verify conformance
- Verify supplier capability
- Determine the conformity
- Verify regulatory requirements
- Determine effectiveness
- Identify opportunities for system improvement
- Evaluate assigned characteristics of a process, system & product
Resource Management
Clause 6.1 Provision of resources
Resource needed to implement maintain and improve the quality management system and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements deed to be determined and provide.
Establish, maintain and improve QMS
Organization chart, Business Plan (Budget), Position description for management representatives, QA manager, Procedures on audit, Document control, improvement
Customer satisfaction
Organization chart, satisfaction plans, master schedule (People, materials, equipments), Infrastructure, Equipment, Customer service, vehicle register.
Clause 6.2.1 General
Any personnel performing work directly of indirectly affecting product or service requirements need to be competent.
Objective evidence
Organization chart, Job description, Competency matrix, performance appraisals, certificate of currency, skills test, certificates, licenses
Clause 6.2.2 Competence, training and awareness
The necessary for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product/service requirements must be determined. Training or other actions must be provided and the effectiveness of such training or actions evaluated. Employees need to be aware of the relevance and importance of their roles and activities and records of education, training, skills and experience need to be retained.
Objective evidence
6.2.2a Competence required
Job descriptions, task specification
6.2.2b Training / other provided
Training records, recruitments and job appointments, sub – contractors
6.2.3c Effectiveness monitored
Skills test, performance appraisals, probation reviews, customer feedback, audits.
6.2.2d Awareness training
Induction program, induction records, notice board, briefing
6.2.2e Appropriate records
Audit Definition
- Systematic
- Independant
- Documented Process
- Obejctives Evidence
- Evaluation
- Criteria : Confromance / effectiveness
8 Principles Of Quality Management System
- Customer Focus - depends on customers needs, requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.
- Leadership - unity of purpose and direction of the organisation.
- Involvement of people - all levels
- Process approach - more efficiently when related resources and activities are managed as a process.
- System approach to management - effectiveness
- Continual Improvements - permanent objective of the organisation
- Factual approach to decision making - anaylysis of data and information
- Mutually beneficial supply relationships - mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both organisation & suppliers.
The System 3 Group
- The System 3 Group Pty Ltd (S3G) is a versatile and responsive management systems consulting, training & provider.
- Consulting Services - ISO9001, ISO17025, EN AS 9100, ISO22000, system Integration, Risk based qms, Project management, Management representative services & short term quality placements.
- Training services - Quality management auditor training, Implementaion courses, Quality aweraness courses, RABQSA competency assessments, System integration cources & quality improvement training.
- Auditing Services - Gap analysis, Internal system improvements audits, contractor / project audits, 3rd party audits, standards compliance audits, Training needs analysis & Auditor competency assessments.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Cikgu Hasan & Kak Mah
- Tanggal 16hb. Januari 2010, beliau berangkat pulang ke Kelantan untuk bertugas di Besut setelah lebih 15 tahun bekerja dan tinggal di Miri, Sarawak.
- Sepanjang waktu tersebut, beliau telah menjalinkan hubungan ukhwah yang sangat erat di kalangan semua yang datang dari semenanjung juga dengan warga Sarawak.
- Aku mengenali beliau setahun yang lepas apabila ingin mencari rumah sewa.
- Dengan penuh kegembiraan di riak muka Cikgu Hasan, dia membantu aku laksana aku ini keluarga beliau. Itulah salah satu sikapnya yang membuatkan beliau sekeluarga amat disukai oleh semua orang.
- Aku selalu mengelarnya 'Penghulu Orang Semenanjung" kerana boleh dikatakan semua orang semenanjung yang sampai ke Miri mengenali beliau.
- Jika anda dipindahkan Miri, sudah tentu nama pertama yang akan disebut adalah nama Cikgu Hasan @ Kak Mah. Anda pergi cari orang ini, pasti dia boleh bantu anda carikan rumah untuk di sewa.
- Rumahnya senantiasa dikunjungi rakan dan taulan kerana beliau suka membuat jamuan atau kenduri makan.
- Bukan semua orang boleh membuat perkara yang sama beliau lakukan.
- Dengan hati tulus serta ikhlas, beliau telah membina sebuah ikatan yang melepasi batasan sempadan negeri serta kekeluargaan.
- Doaku, semoga kita semua mencontohi sikap ramah, suka membantu orang, suka menjamu orang makan serta banyak lagi.
- Semoga di tempat baru - Besut, serta tinggal rumah baru yang cantik di Pasir Mas, beliau sekeluarga bahagia ke akhir hayat, terus membina ikatan persaudaraan.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng & His Passion To Oil Palm

- THE legend of Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng talking to his oil palm trees still holds true today.
- And he speaks to them in Tamil.
- A planter at heart, Lee grew up in Jeram, Kuala Selangor, and spent his childhood days in the rubber plantation there.
- Now, the group executive chairman of IOI Corp Bhd, the country's most valuable plantation firm, spends his weekends visiting his estates that spans over 158,514ha from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah.
- At 66 years of age, Lee is a picture of health as he treks up and down the undulating plantation without pausing to catch a breath.
- He faithfully carries a stick to poke into thick bushes to ward off snakes."My trees are my girlfriends. Each one has her own characteristics.
- If one produces well, I will tell her 'I love you'," Lee grins, adding that if a tree is not productive he would tell her that he will give her six to nine months to bear the quota of fruits."Surprisingly, they tend to bloom to expectation," he said.
- But what happens if after nine months, they still bore no fruit? "Well, I'll tell her, 'I'm sorry darling.
- I will have to chop you down'," he said.Sensing a hush descending upon the crowd of people before him, Lee quipped, "But my trees are like me, fat, short and productive," he laughed.
- In a rare occasion, Lee invited 14 journalists and analysts to visit IOI Group's estates and oil extraction mill last week, in efforts to get them to better understand the plantation industry.
- Today, all of Lee's six children work for the IOI Group. By urban Malaysian Chinese standards, six children in a family is productive.
- IOI Corp has long been reputed to be the most efficient palm oil producer in the world.
- With an average yield of 6 tonnes of crude palm oil (CPO) per ha per year, IOI Corp is, much to its reluctance, often used as the benchmark of efficiency among reporters during their interviews with rival plantation companies' performances.
- The estate, which house an Indian and a Chinese primary school on its compound, employs 310 workers.
- Situated at the base of Gunung Ledang, IOI Corp's most productive estate is its 2,553ha Sagil Estate, of which 2,246ha have been planted.
- It produces 8.32 tonnes of CPO per ha per year and 38.2 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches per ha per year."Don't compare us with other plantation companies. It's unnecessary.
- There's no high-tech formula. It's just basic prudence. We aim for 100 per cent recovery. Loose fruits have the most oil content.
- So, we strive to pick up every loose fruit that falls onto the ground," Lee said.
- Another factor that contributes to IOI Corp's high-yielding palm fruits are its DXP IOI breed which is the result of cross-pollination between the IOI deli dura and avros pisifera clones.
- About 60 mother oil palms at its Regent estate in Negri Sembilan are manually pollinated with avros pisifera pollens by workers daily.
- Annually, IOI Corp's seed garden in Negri Sembilan and Sabah are able to generate six million seeds per year.
- Big buyers of the DXP IOI seedlings are rivals PPB Oil Palms Bhd, Rimbunan Hijau Group and BLD Plantation Bhd.Currently, IOI Corp owns 78 estates with a total landbank of 158,514ha, of which two-thirds are in Sabah and the rest in Peninsular Malaysia.
- With 12 oil extraction mills throughout the country, the group is capable of processing 3.9 million tonnes of CPO a year.
- Since its last upgrade in 1997, IOI Corp's biggest mill in Gomali estate, Johor is able to process 120 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches per hour.*
Story featured in Business Times on 31 Oct 2005
Rules 46 Learn From Your Mistakes
- We all make mistakes - we wouldn't be the wonderfully creative, innovative managers we are if we didn't.
- But some managers gloss over any mistakes they make. They cover them, bury them, forget abput them.
- As a brilliant manager, won't do that.
- You won't beat yourself up over them. nor sit in a pit of misery over them but you will analyze what went wrong, discuss witg colleagus why it went wrong and make a plan to prevent it from going wrong again.
- One mistakes could be anything from a badly handled appraisal. alost sale, a badly thought report. a poor use of time or resources, a failure to meet a deadline - when you start to write down how much many failures there could be the list is endless.
- Once you make mistakes the important thing to do as well as the above is to find out the right way to do it next time.
- Being a manager is an ongoing learning experience.
- You never stand still and you never think you know it all - you don't and can't.
- But you can have trusted people to ask and good reference books to hand to guide you - especially if they are short, sharp, snappy and practical.
- Mistakes are brilliant because they not only teach us where we went wrong but also how to fit it.
- If you are a better manager, more experienced, have a wider spectrum to call on when you've made a few errors.
- We all make mistakes - admit them, learn from them and move on.
Mergers – how the plantations began

Mergers – how the plantations began
- Is the plantation mega merger a good idea? In this article, Tan Sri Basir Ismail ( pic), who passed away last Friday, looked to the past to highlight the importance of experience and the personal touch in management of the plantation industry.
- READERS follow the news and often the question is being asked: “What do you think of the merger of Sime Darby, Guthrie and Golden Hope?”
Usually the person would look at my face and I could sense that he was waiting for me to disagree, with answers such as:
“It is a big mistake.”
“Bigger is not always better.”
“Look at the company I buy shares in. Their results are excellent. They don’t have to be that big. Try it their way first.” - In this situation I would need time to think and trace back the progress of the plantations.
When they started they were small, and the people who made them grow were the workers, and the leadership came from the assistant managers and estate managers who were planters. - These planters were there because they loved their jobs. They were free to attend to basics, walked for hours while checking the field, and some even talked to the trees.
- In the rubber plantations they would check the rows of young trees and see how many of them had reached the girth of 20 inches to set the date when tapping should begin. In the mature areas, they would check to see that the spouts were tapped into the bark just so with the least damage to the tree. The cup-hanger had to be anchored so the cup was precisely in place below the spout. There should be no spillage and soon the planter would know his favourite tree that gave the most latex. He wanted the yield of all trees to be like that without injuring the bark so that the same side of the tree could be tapped again a few years later.
- The planter would know which tree was sick, he checked the bark with a knife and then called his pest and disease headmen to tell their workers what to do. Remedial treatment was decided by eye. He learnt from his experience, to add to the textbook knowledge such as from A.T. Edgar’s “Manual of Rubber Planting.” He also discussed problems with the older planters at the clubs or in their bungalows with large dinner parties, going far into the night.
- Yet the planter would attend muster each morning when before dawn the workers reported for work. That was the time when he could check in one place if their pails were clean and they wore shoes and not slippers. Later he would go and check their work as he followed the tasks, to see if the black dots had been put in place and not too far apart which would mean the bark consumption was too high, and also prick with the tip of a knife into the panel to see to if the tapping depth was good enough to win the latex and not past the cambium that would injure the tree.
- He took their tapping knives and used his fingers to feel if the blade was sharp. A very sharp knife would increase the yield by at least 5% over the other knives. He would want only the Jebong knife to be used; the other one was the gouge knife but the bark consumption could be high. His aim was to get the yield of the tree, and yet make it last through the years. Even if he used stimulant such as ethrel or calcium carbide in the early days, he would be careful how much stimulation the trees could take, and how often they could be tapped. Some had intervals of three days, and even four days on D3 or D4, while some clones could be tapped on alternate days or D2, and yet not many trees would go dry.
The clone I liked most of all was PR107, which had a bark that was easy to tap, and the latex would drip nearly all day. It had thick foliage after wintering and I would ride in that field in the open Land Rover just after rain, not only to see how the water ran in the drains, but also to enjoy the fragrance of the rubber flowers fresh in the air. - In the afternoon the planter was out again, this time to check that the workers’ houses were repaired, and the grass was cut, and the water supply was clean. The workers had to be fit, and in some estates the manager was also responsible for a group hospital, with its doctor and nurses.
- Back in the office he would go over the day’s mail and made his plans for the next planting or replant. He would need to decide if he was going to use budded seedlings or stumped buddings, and how much time he would need to get them ready, the lining had to be precise so he could get it correct with the planting distance and planting density. The terraces would have to be in place on the slopes. He asked himself if on top of the pure cover he should also plant Flemingia, or Tephrosia, two legumes that could add to the fertility of the soil.
- He would also use these two plants when the estates converted to oil palm, for they were legumes and could fix nitrogen in the soil. In the case of Flemingia, it helped with interrupting the flights of the rhinoceros beetles and helped to limit the damage done to the young seedlings in the field.
- In the oil palm areas, an estate manager would be in charge of about 5,000 acres, or 2,000ha. There were estates that were big but they got divided up such as OPM (Oil Palm of Malaya) in Layang Layang that eventually got split into three estates. Even in those days the owners realised the need to keep the estates small and that the estate manager had the time to check on details about his area. The owners would fly in from Britain and visit each estate, staying overnight in each one to see how the managers were coping with their problems, and making it easier for the managers to present their ideas.
- Some of these ideas included the introduction of the harvesting sickle, which meant that the harvesters could stop climbing the tall palms to harvest the bunches with an axe, and therefore it avoided the falls that harvesters used to suffer, some ending with broken backs. In the field the idea of insect pollination first came from a planter, Leslie Davidson, who noted the introduction of the oil palm tree to the East was incomplete without the insect pollinators which he had seen were working hard in Africa.
- In Malaysia thousands of workers were recruited for pollination work and despite the high costs, the fruit set was still low. He persuaded the planting industry to follow up on his idea and with a scientific study done by Dr Rahman A. Syed, it led to the introduction of the weevils, and rapid expansion of oil palm in the East became feasible.
- In the mills, there were changes too, with the presses progressing from the traditional top-loading method to screw presses promoted by engineers such as the late Tan Sri Borge Bek-Nielsen from his early days in United Plantations Ltd.
- He was among the first to extend his business into downstream processing in edible oils and making shortenings, ghee, margarines, and red palm olein, with the collaboration of the Tata Group from India, while the Europeans at that time were still reluctant to make similar investments in the country.
- The pace of their investments was slowed with the Emergency when the terrorists tried to destroy the economy. Some of investors sold out, and Malaysian investors began to take over the plantations. One of the early acquisitions was Tebrau estate in Johor, which was a very profitable business that paid for itself within a few years.
- It was also the beginning of a transition when Malaysian managers were being trained by the universities and by Mara at its Institute Technology Mara, apart from those who had joined directly as cadets. In the estates they were trained to go into details on the basics of the work, attend to the trees and to the people as well, and the companies saw to it that they were rewarded for their work and given the respect they deserved.
- In return, they had to work long hours, and even on Sundays, attending to the community, and being at weddings, and visiting households during the festivals, take part in the club activities and on family days, all of which would keep the team spirit high with no distinction between workers who were on check-roll or on contract. They contributed their efforts equally to the production of the estate. Some managers would know most of them by name and even the names of their children.
- Naturally keeping contact at that level is valuable for the management of the estate, and it is a useful reminder now that the plantation companies are being merged. There is a risk that the personal touch will be gone, and that not enough walking around will be done by management. In this case the productivity that is expected is not likely to happen.
- Performance can rise only with attention to detail, and therefore plantations should be kept to a manageable size for the estate managers. In the past rubber estates could be smaller than 800ha, but for oil palm estates the optimum size can be around 2,000ha. A good manager should be left to do his work for a minimum of four years so that he could see what he could do, do it, and then fine-tune it with the team he would have had in place.
For example if he sees the potential for mechanisation such as in-field transport of bunches, he would have time to introduce it, get the system accepted, and implement it successfully. It is a concern that industrialists in control of merged plantations companies may overlook these points and can be tempted to increase the size of estates and move managers frequently. - Another area of concern is that fewer people will have a chance to have key jobs in the plantations business, as there would be only one head office, and positions will be limited. It will mean that the opportunity will be limited for the young executives to get exposure that they need so they too can lead an organisation one day.
Trained in agriculture, Tan Sri Basir Ismail had been deeply involved in the palm oil industry, notably as chairman of United Plantations Bhd and the Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
This article was written with plantations consultant Mahbob Abdullah
Minggu ke - 2 Januari 2010, Musim Hujan Bermula Di Lapok
- Musim hujan kali ini bermula lewat beberapa bulan. Pada tahun 2008, hujan bermula seawal November.
- Kolam air kilang yang telah turun (hampir 8') sejak May 2009 sehingga sehingga sekarang masih belum melimpah di spillway.
- Tahun 2009, tahun yang paling panas dalam sejarah - kata UN. Kesan pemanasan global.
- Ini adalah kali ke 2, Sg. Bok mula tengelam akibat banjir kilat.
- Sedalam 2 - 3 kaki.
- Seorang staff yang menghantar anaknya ke Hospital Miri beberapa hari yang lepas, masih tersangkut tidak dapat pulang ke kilang.
- Jalan sejauh 44 km, melalui 2 bukit, turun hancur laksana sawah padi.
- Nasib baik dapat keluar semalam, apabila di pertengahan meredah banjir dan 2 kawasan kereta tersangkut.
- Inilah rutin rakyat di sini mahupun banyak tempat di kawasan pendalaman.
- Apabila telah putus jalan, putuslah segala - galanya.
- Kos pengangkutan dari Long Lama ke Miri boleh mencecah beratus - ratus ringgit.
- Belum lagi disebut harga barang - barang yang sudah sedia maklum 20 - 60% lebih mahal daripada harga di bandar.
- Sekarang lebih mahal lagi disebabkan kenaikan harga barang.
- Persediaan awal mesti dilakukan sebelum musim hujan bermula.
- Barang - barang dapur dibeli untuk mereka yang menggunakan kereta 4WD, mungkin tidak mempunyai masalah.
- Namum, bagaimana pula dengan semua staff saya yang hanya mempunyai kereta Kancil, Wira, Proton Saga Baru, Waja, Viva & Myvi (tanda sokong kerajaan pembela mereka) ?
- Kan bagus kalau kereta mereka ada sayap boleh terbang.
- Bagiku, ini bukan lagi perkara asing.
- Sudah alah.
- Awalnya, tiap kali melalui jalan ini pasti aku akan menyumpah seranah YB, menyumpah Kerajaan, inilah hasil selepas lebih 50 tahun merdeka!!
- Kini, semuanya terpulang pada rakyat di negeri ini.
- Jika ini yang mereka pilih.
- Aku cuma berdoa, moga kesengsaraan rakyat di sini akan dikurangkan.
- Moga dibuka pintu hati pemimpin, sanggup berenang bersama penduduk di sini main - main air banjir.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Hold Effective Meeting
- As a manager or head of department, you will always hold meetings.
- Make them effective.
- Decide in advance the objective of the meeting and make sure you meet that objective.
- Normallys, these is four purposes of the meetings :- 4.1 To create & fuse a team. 4.2 To impart information. 4.3 To brainstorm idea & make decisions. 4.4 To collect information & make decisions.
- Keep moving fast & get them out of the door as soon as you can.
- Hold all meetings at the end of the days rather than at the beginning. Everone's anxious to be off home and it keep meetings shorter; in the beginning of the day everyone has agres to disgess and chat.
- Start meeting on time. Never wait for anyone. Use 'odd' time such as 0905 am rather than 0900 am.
- Schedule the meeting far enough in advance. Confirm the date to ensure everone remembered and can make it.
- Decide who keep the minute.
- Make sure every point of the agenda ends up with action plan - no action plan means it is just a chat.
- Involve a big number - subdivide them into committees.
- Conclusion - at the ends of the meeting, you must able to say whether or not objective is achieve.
- Lastly - hold all meeting on uncomfortable chairs or standing ! that speed things up considerably.
from the book "The Rules Of Management" by Richard Templar
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Panduan Menggunakan Internet
- Suatu ketika di Australia, seorang pekerja telah dibuang kerja kerana didapati sedang melayari laman web Facebook di pejabat. Semasa kejadian tersebut, beliau mendakwa sakit dan mengambil cuti daripada kerja.
- Internet bukanlah perkara baru di mana - mana tempat di dunia.
- Semasa era 1900 an, banyak pendebatan umum membicarakan mengenai baik dan buruk internet.
- Dengan jaringan internet bertebaran di serata pelusuk dunia, kuasanya amat sukar disekat.
- Perkara yang sama berlaku semasa TV diperkenalkan.
- Kini, kawasan pendalaman di sini mendapat kemudahan internet.
- Bukanlah perkara yang bijak jika kita ingin mengawal orang yang akhil baligh bagaimana cara untuk menggunakan internet.
- Namun, panduan ini sedikit sebanyak membuka mata semua pihak betapa internet boleh digunakan untuk kebaikan seperti :-
a. Gunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumat berfaedah untuk kerja, hobi, ilmu agama serta teknologi terkini berhubung apa saja yang baik. Cth - dapatkan maklumat mengenai cara mendidik anak yang betul supaya anak tadi besar kelak menjadi orang berguna kepada bangsa.
b. Gunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumat terkini berhubung iklan jabatan kerajaan seperti MPOB, DOE, DOSH, NIOSH dsb. Banyak iklan berguna boleh diperolehi daripada laman web tersebut. Dapatkan planner tahunan untuk peperiksaan atau jadual latihan yang disediakan. Kemudahn online daripada web tersebut juga dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan urusan kerja seharian.
c. Gunakan untuk membaca surat khabar tanpa perlu membeli surat khabar. Kebanyak akhbar di seluruh dunia boleh diakses melalui internet.
d. Gunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumat pelaburan. Labur dalam emas atau pasaran yang dibenarkan kerajaan.
e. Gunakan untuk berkomonikasi rakan sekerja atau rakan di tempat lain. Berhubung mengenai perkembangan terkini dan perkara baik yang boleh dikongsi bersama.
f. Gunakan oleh urusan perbankan seperti Maybank2u. Melalui urusan ini, anda tidak perlu membazir masa ke bandar.
g. Gunakan untuk melawat laman web syarikat anda. Anda akan tahun apa arah tuju syarikat pada masa akan datang.
Tetapi pada masa yang sama, jangan :-
a. Jangan gunakan untuk mencari laman web tidak sopan seperti laman web lucah dsb. Laman web ini juga berisiko untuk membawa virus ke dalam komputer. Tidak kurang juga virus yang akan merosakkan pemikiran anda.
b. Jangan gunakan untuk menyebarkan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan tatasusila, agama serta undang - undang di mana langit anda dijunjung.
c. Jangan gunakannya semasa waktu anda bekerja sehinggakan anda tidak menyiapkan kerja yang diarahkan oleh pihak majikan. Sebaliknya menghabiskan masa kerja anda untuk melayari laman web yang tidak memberikan keuntungan pada syarikat.
d. Jangan buatkan majikan ada merasakan kemudahan itu mengganggu operasi kerja sehingga beliau menamatkan perkhidmatan tersebut!
Namun, semuanya terpulang pada diri - anda sendiri. Tepuk dada, tanya iman.
Gunakan kemudahan dengan sebaik mungkin. Jangan jadikannya seperti kera mendapat bunga.
Aku Pengurus Kilang Yang Berpolitik

2. Setiap orang punya padangan sendiri mengenai politik.
3. Politik itu kotor.
4. Politik itu kaedah menghalalkan cara.
5. Politik itu hanya bercakap, tetapi kerja kosong. Manis di mulut, hasil tiada, janji entah di mana. Tika musim pilihanraya, kaki busuk makcik di kampung sanggup dihidu, namun lepas pilihanraya, rakyat mengemis di muka pintu pejabat, merayu dan meraung kesusahan, tiada siapa peduli.
6. Poltik juga terpisah daripada ajaran agama. Hasil dan kesan lebih 500 tahun dijajah Portugis, Belanda, Inggeris serta Jepun. Pembesar serta pak menteri dirasuah melalui kaedah politik untuk menjatuhkan Kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.
7. Jika dahulu Kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka menguasai segenap segi ruang hidup masyarakat. Termasuk perihal politik dan undang - undang. Apabila bumi Tanah Melayu dijajah, kuasa Sultan telah diasingkan daripada politik. Sultan jadi lambang, jadi ketua agama serta adat istiadat. Lain daripada itu, semua dikawal selia dan ditentukan oleh penjajah yang mengaku dirinya lebih maju serta bertamadun berbanding orang di dalam negara yang dijajah.
8. Sedikit - sedikit orang Islam Melayu mula dijajah pemikiran dan fizikal.
9. Tulisan jawi lambang bumi ini sudah bertamadun hilang.
10. Undang - undang syariah yang telah menjaga keamanan bumi Tanah Melayu dikatakan zalim. Undang - undang sivil lebih baik.
11. Penjajah mengajar bagimana memajukan negara dengan mengaut segala hasil bumi untuk dibawa balik ke Eropah. Katanya demi kemajuan Tanah Melayu. Penjajah juga mengajar, di negara mereka yang lebih bertamadun, poltik adalah lain dari agama. Ketua gereja hanya jaga ibadat. Ketua negara kuasai segala – galanya. Mereka lupa, kuasa politik itu dirampas daripada pemimpin gereja untuk mengelakkan penipuan mengutip cukai serta derma oleh orang gereja. Kuasa agama bermakna, kuasa ekonomi serta kekuatan. Jika dipisahkan, bermakna kuasa itu beralih ke tangan pemimpin negara.
12. Orang Melayu dijadikan hamba. Mereka difahamkan secara poltik biarlah sultan menjadi Ketua Agama. Segala urusan lain, biarlah kami jaga.
13. Orang Cina dan India dibawa masuk, kononnya juga untuk kemajuan negara.
14. Dari segi politik, hampir sebahagian rakyat Tanah Melayu sekarang sudah berjaya diubah pemikirannya oleh penjajah. Walaupun penjajah telah tiada, namun pemikiran ini terus - menerus diwarisi melalui pelbagai kaedah baru.
15. Inilah negara yang kita ada hari ini.
16. Kesan kemusnahan mula muncul satu demi satu.
17. Hari ini orang Melayu Islam paling ramai menghuni pusat serenti gara – gara dadah.
18. Hari ini orang Melayu Islam sudah pandai minum arak mengalahkan orang bukan Islam.
19. Hari ini mereka juga berjudi laksana tidak tahu mana halal atau haram.
20. Hari ini mereka juga membakar rumah ibadat orang lain.
21. Hari ini zina berleluasa di kalangan gadis dan remaja Melayu.
22. Hari ini orang muda menjulang hiburan serta penyanyi peghibur melebihi alim ulamak. Budaya hiburan berleluasa ibarat semua anak muda mudi mahu menjadi penyanyi.
23. Alim ulamak melawan ratu cantik, turut dikecam bangsa Melayu sendiri.
24. Indahnya politik dalam Islam.
24. Mengajak ke arah kebaikan.
25. Mencegah ke arah kejahatan.
26. Itu adalah politk. Tanpa politik, masakan dapat melakukan perkara tersebut.
27. Solat 5 waktu sehari di masjid. Berjemaah. Itu adalah politik. Berjemaah melakukan kebaikan serta ibadat pada Allah.
28. Menjaga peribadi seorang muslim serta menjadi contoh kepada masyarakat adalah politik. Supaya amalan baik kita ditiru dan diikuti oleh orang lain.
29. Melaungkan azan, tanda syiar Islam adalah politik.
20. Jumaat – solat berjemaah adalah politik.
21. Haji di Mekah adalah politik.
22. Jika mahu memastikan duit rakyat tidak dibelanjakan ke arah perkara – membazir, tiada cara lain melalui politik.
23. Mahu memakai tudung ke sekolah juga menjadi masalah di Eropah kerana tiada kuasa politik.
24. Kesimpulannya, perkara baik dan buruk hanya boleh dilakukan serta dibuat jika hanya ada kuasa politik.
Politik & Kerja
25. Aku juga laksana orang politik di tempat kerja.
26. Aku berpolitik bukan berkempen untuk kemenangan parti di Malaysia.
27. Aku berpolitik sebab mahu anak buahku menjadi lebih baik.
28. Aku berpolitik kerana mahu syarikatku menjana keuntungan lebih.
29. Aku berpoltik kerana mahu staff aku setiap hari majukan diri sendiri.
30. Aku berpolitik sebab mahu supaya setiap arahan dan peraturan kilang dilaksanakan dengan cara paling baik. Aku berpolitik dengan bos, pembekal, transporter, pelanggan serta boleh dikatakan semua orang supaya setiap langkah kerjaku berjalan dengan lancar. Setiap buah kata mulutku adalah poltik, kerana mahu supaya niatku tercapai. Tulisanku sekarang adalah jua sebahagian politik kerana aku mahu kamu wahai pembaca budiman, fikir sejenak. Betulkah apa yang akan tulis ini? Jika betul, sebarkan. Jika salah, beri komen, kelak nanti aku akan fikirkan untuk langkah seterusnya @ buat artikel kedua :P.
31. Biarlah apa pun jua di luar sana memahami perkataan politik mengikut fahaman sempit mereka. Namun, jika dihurai dan difahami mengikut acuan agama, insya Allah, kita akan tahu erti sebenar ‘politik’.
Semuanya bergantung pada niat.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
- Very Small Aperture Terminal
- Reliable to send digital data, vedeo and voice transmissions directly via satellite.
- Reliable communications link to widely distrubuted sites or isolated areas.
- It can be designed to serve as both broadcast and interactive applications via voice, data,multimedia or video, which currently served by terrestrial over a single stream of transmission.
- Operations via C-Band satellite frequency, FTDMA Frequency Times Division Multiple Access, FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access or TDMA Time Division Multiple Access.
- Normally used by Oil & gas companies, finance & banking, government, manufacturing, agricultural, mining, news, shipping and travel.
- In Malaysia, provider is TM.
QMS ISO 9001:2000 / 2008 & Kilang Sawit

- Sistem Pengurusan Berkualiti yang telah diiktiraf oleh SIRIM sejak 2006.
- Saya mula mendalami sistem ini apabila mula bekerja di syarikat ini.
- Mulanya saya tidak berapa setuju sistem ini diadaptasi ke dalam pengurusan kilang. Alasan utuma saya adalah kerana sistem pengurusan kilang sawit amat ringkas. Terdiri daripada beberapa orang staff dan pengurus serta penolong pengurus. Latarbelakang staff biasanya hanya lulusan SPM. Jika dibandingkan dengan sebuah organisasi pembuatan di bandar yang kompleks, terdapat seorang pengurus ISO yang mengendalikan pelaksanaannya. Kilang sawit? siapa lagi kalu bukan pengurus atau penolong pengurus.
- Ini merupakan kerja tambahan kepada pengurusan kilang. Saban tahun terdapat kehendak baru daripada JAS, JKKP atau sebagainya, ditambah pula dengan ISO.
- Kerja seorang pengurus kilang yang sepatutnya dilebihkan kepada operasi kilang, kini akan beralih kepada pengurusan sistem kualiti itu sendiri. Lebih paper work berbanding keringat di dalam kilang.
- Ditambah lagi, saya dilatih di sebuah syarikat yang lebih mementingkan pelaksanaan daripada laporan kertas yang kadang kala boleh di manupulasi.
- Daripada taida pengalaman mengendalikan ISO di sebuah kilang sawit, saya telah mengadaptasikan diri dengan sistem pengurusan ini.
- Cabaran utama adalah untuk menjadikan sistem ini sebagai budaya kerja seharian. Bukan setakat wayang kulit di mata auditor.
- Setelah dua tahun di kilang ini, saya telah berjaya melepasi 2 survelience audit dan 2 internal quality audit. Bulan hadapan saya bakal berhadapan dengan re-certification audit.
- Setelah tahun kedua menjalankan sistem ini, hati saya mula tertarik dengan keberkesanannya.
- Setiap tool atau requirements ISO amat penting dalam sesebuah organisasi.
- Objektif yang perlu dicapai juga cukup jelas untuk semua pihak menuju ke arah penambahbaikan berterusan.
- Sistem audit daripada pihak luar serta dalaman syarikat juga banyak membantu transpirasi serta ketelusan pengurusan. Sistem ini turut membantu pengurus daripada kilang lain untuk sama - sama berkongsi pandangan mengenai masalah seharian.
- Sebarang kekurangan turut ditegur dan diberikan tempoh oleh audit untuk penambahbaikan atau jika tidak berhadapan dengan risiko lesen ditarik balik.
- Sistem data analisis dengan kekerapan bulanan serta tahunan amat bermakna untuk pihak majikan menentukan halatuju seterusnya.
- Pencapaian tahun lepas akan dikaji dan dikenalpasti untuk tujuan penambahbaikan.
- Sistem management review juga merangka secara keseluruhan prestasi pelaksanaan ISO dalam pengurusan kilang, mengkaji sebarang penukaran sistem baru serta mengariskan langkah - langkah pembaikan untuk masa akan datang.
- Betullah pepatah melayu berkata, jika tidak kenal maka tidak cinta.
- Bila sudah kenal, aku jatuh cinta dengan ISO, sebab ia memudahkan kerja aku sebagai seorang pegurus / jurutera di sebuah kilang sawit di kawasan pendalaman pulau Borneo.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Aku Sebuah Jet
- Aku sebuah jet pejuang.
- Dilahirkan di Amerika Syarikat.
- Negara pengganas dunia.
- Model ku adalah lawan kepada MIG, pesawat Rusia.
- Daripada beratus-ratus adik - beradikku, aku telah ditempah oleh sebuah negara di Asia Tenggara, iaitu M.
- Aku pun tidak tahu kenapa aku dibeli dan dihantar ke sana. Kawanku semua bertempur di medan perang seperti Afganistan, Irag dan sebagainya. Ada yang jadi abu kena tembak oleh tentera musuh.
- Namun, aku bernasib baik kerana dibeli oleh negara M. Aku tidak perlu bekerja keras. Siang malam, aku cuma lepak di Kem Tentera.
- Setahun sekali, aku terbang semasa sambutan Hari Kebangsaan. Jauh sikit, aku pergi melayang ke Langk semasa pertunjukkan LIMA.
- Sedang diulit lena di kem, aku mendapat berita bakal diganti dengan bangsaku yang lebih canggih.
- Dengan serta - merta, aku ditamatkan perkhidmatan. Daripada pesawat yang aktif, aku dimasukkan ke bengkel. Katanya, untuk dijadikan latihan pemandu baru.
- Aku bertemu juga dengan beberapa adik beradik ku yang mendapat nasib yang sama.
- Tanggal 7.7.07, selepas beberapa bulan dimasukkan ke bengkel, aku mula dikerumi oleh beberapa pegawai tentera. Ada yang datang semasa kerja, ada yang datang selepas kem ditutup.
- Ternampak riak mereka yang pada aku, sangat menakutkan.
- Rupanya, sangkaanku benar belaka.
- Selang beberapa minggu, nyawaku melayang di tangan mereka.
- Jantungku - sebuah enjin turbin yang sebesar kereta dicabut dengan rakus.
- Adikku menerima nasib yang sama.
- Jantungku telah dikeluarkan selang beberapa hari selepas operasi membunuhku dilakukan.
- Kini, rohku berterbangan di bumi M.
- Tika jantungku entah di mana dikebumikan. Katanya di Argentina.
- Inilah nasibku sebuah jet pejuang, dibeli oleh negara M.
- Masa dulu aku mendabik dada bangga mempamerkan kehebatanku.
- Kini, aku tidak lena di kubur kerana semua organ dalamanku bersepai entah di mana.
- Dari menjadi kebanggaan, aku menjadi bahan gelak ketawa seluruh dunia.
- Model jenaka, bagaimana jantungku yang besar boleh di bawa keluar dari kem yang dipenuhi pahlawan negara.
- Terus di bawa keluar negara M.
- Hairan, tapi itulah realiti riwayatku.
- Menjadi mangsa kepada musuh yang mengaku menjaga aku.
2010 Target Seterusnya..
- Tahun 2010. 1431 Hijrah. 31 Tahun.
- Angka yang cantik.
- Tahun ini ada beberapa target yang ini kucapai.
- Professional Engineer examination. Status of progress - 2% :P.
- ICE grade 1 examination. Study bila esok nak exam. Status - 5 %.
- Lead Auditor Course SIRIM. Status :30%.
- AGT & Standby / Entrant Person Training - NIOSH. Status - 10%.
- Umrah - bergantung pada jumlah cuti yang ada, sebab dah terlalu banyak cuti untuk program di atas.
- PTPTN Loan settlement. Progress - 80%.
- 2nd House for investment.
- Family - Nur Aisyah Umairah - kena pandai membaca, menulis dan mengira. Rumi serta jawi. Skrg umur dia 4 tahun. Wah..kejamnya.
- Kilang - OER 21.00% & KER 4.80%. Maintenance cost + GC
- Gaji - harap - harap bos bagi bagus punya increment, sebab last year tiada increment. Allowance incharge jadi gaji basic, macam tak de increment.
- Mak & Ayah - harap dapat gembirakan mereka lebih lagi tahun ini.
- Adik beradik - harap dapat satukan hati diaorang. Dah besar semua, jangan buat perangai budak - budak lagi.
- Agama - Harap dapat ilmu agama lebih banyak melalui pelbagai cara - CD ceramah, buku dsb. Amal sunnat nak tambah. Wajib tak mau miss lagi.
- em... itu saja setakat saat ini.
Insya Allah, jika niatkku baik dan usaha berterusan, akan berjaya semua!
Kilang Sawit, Kawasan Terpencil @ hutan, Internet & Kemajuan

Gambar menunjukkan sebahagian jalan ditenggalami air banjir kilat sedalam 2- 3 kaki. Diredah menggunakan 4WD.
- Kilang sawit bertebaran di serata pelusuk negara.
- Jika di Semenanjung, kemudahan jalan tar sampai ke hadapan kilang serta rumah.
- Namun, jika di Sabah dan Sarawak, bukan semua kilang ada kemudahan tersebut. Felda adalah yang terbaik daripada segi kemudahan. Syarikat swasta, jalan ladang baik, namun jalan utama ke ladang - jalan JKR, adalah jalan gravel dan amat mencabar.
- Bukanlah perkara asing kepada Planter & Miller mengenai perkara tersebut. Mereka inilah yang menjadi peneroka hutan dan membangunkan kawasan sekitar.
- Meneroka bermaksud, memasuki kawasan yang belum pernah diterokai.
- Berkawan dengan penghuni asal seperti gajah, buaya dan biawak. Itulah sebahagian pengorbanan kami untuk memajukan ekonomi negara - untuk diurus oleh pemimpin pembela rakyat.
- Hari ini dalam sejarah.
- Kilang aku mendapat kemudahan internet VSAT.
- Dengan kelajuan 100 Mps.
- Kemudahan ini muncul setelah JAS mengenakan syarat baru untuk CEMS. Tak payah lah cerita pasal CEMS.
- Yang penting, kilang sekarang dapat kemudahan yang amat jarang diperolehi.
- Bayangkan, ketika negara merayakan sambutan lebih 50 tahun merdeka, tempat ini masih tiada jalan.
- Tiada elektrik.
- Tiada kemudahan air.
- Tiada line telefon.
- Tidak heran jika kawasan ini tempat jin lepak.
- Tetapi kawasan ini adalah pertengahan jalan kepada lebih 3 pekan kecil. Sepanjang jalan, ada berpuluh buah rumah, ada berpuluh buah sekolah dan ada lebih 10 ribu penduduk.
- Apa pun, aku amat bersyukur di atas kemudahan ini.
- Aku bersyukur kerana ada kesulitan ini.
- Kesulitan ini mengajar aku menghargai setiap kemudahan yang disediakan kerajaan.
- Jika aku berada di bandar, mungkin persepsi aku berbeza.
- Asyik komen benda yang tiada.
- Aku sudah dapat internet.
- dan aku sudah maju setapak.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Umat Islam
- Manusia di dunia punya beratus bangsa, suku dan kaum. Di bumi Malaysia sahaja sudah ada beratus bangsa dan suku.
- Daripada semua itu, asal keturunan dari satu iaitu Nabi Adam a.s dan Hawa. Nabi Adam asalnya dari unsur tanah yang dikurniakan roh oleh Allah SWT.
- Turun ke bumi dari Syurga untuk diuji dan kembalikan semula ke Syurga selepas mati jika beriman kepadaNya. Jika sebaliknya - Neraka yang nyata menjadi janji Allah.
- Semasa di dunia, manusia pelbagai kaum dan suku akan menganut kepercayaan agama wahyu atau agama lain selainnya.
- Agama wahyu terdiri daripada agama Islam, Kristian, Yahudi. Agama wahyu yang benar, akan membawa pemahaman penganutnya kepada Allah Yang Esa, Yang Satu. Jika lain daripadanya, ia bukan agama yang benar, malah sesat dari ajaran sebenar.
- Dilahirkan di Malaysia sebagai bangsa Melayu. Namun diikat persaudaraan dengan umat manusia ada ikatan yang lebih besar iaitu Islam.
- Melayu bukan Islam dan Islam bukan Melayu. Islam adalah apa yang diajar oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, gerak gerinya adalah agama, hidupnya adalah agama.
- Bukan semua perkara Melayu selari dengan Islam dan bukan semua ajaran Islam menjadi budaya orang Melayu. Melayu cantik kerana ada Islam. Jika Islam sudah tiada di dalam orang Melayu, orang Melayu akan menjadi lebih hina dari pada semua bangsa di Malaysia.
- Di dalam kamus Islam terdapat perkataan Mukmin, Kafir dan Munafik. Jika orang Islam, belum tentu Mukmin.
- Untuk menjadi Mukmin, perlukan ilmu. Ilmu yang benar perlu dirujuk kepada yang ahli agama - alim ulamak.
- Apabila mendapat ilmu dan hidayah daripada Allah, kita akan beriman.
- Ada juga orang Islam, tetapi munafik. Lahirnya nampak Islam, tapi hatinya menjadi musuh kepada Islam. Perbuatannya boleh jadi sebahagian Islam, sebahagian bukan Islam.
- Contoh, dia mengaku Islam, tetapi tidak solat dan meminum arak. Dia Islam, tetapi zalim pada keluarga, zalim pada rakyat, zalim pada umat Islam.
- Kafir adalah orang bukan Islam. Kafir terbahagi kepada dua iaitu kafir yang memerangi Islam dan kafir yang tidak memusuhi Islam, tetapi setuju dan tinggal di bawah payung pemerintahan Islam. Ini boleh nampak dari segi fizikal.
- Walaupun orang bukan Islam adalah kafir, namun semua umat Islam yang beriman punya tanggungjawab untuk berdakwah dan menyebarkan kebenaran kepada orang bukan Islam. Sebarkan Islam dan bawa mereka sama - sama beriman kepada yang Esa.
- Namun, orang Munafik lebih berbahaya daripada orang Kafir.
- Kerana, munafik ini seperti gunting dalam lipatan, musuh dalam selimut.
- Orang Islam yang mukmin dan beriman, hanya akan bersatu jika Al Quran & Sunnah menjadi ikutan.
- Jika 2 perkara penting itu dibuang, umat Islam akan tiada bezanya daripada bangsa lain di dunia. Kerana, selepas itu segala macam tindakan akan lebih kepada mengikut hawa nafsu.
- Ikut hawa nafsu, akan membawa kepada kebinasaan.
moga kita menjadi hamba Allah yang mukmin dan beriman kepadaNya. Kerana, dunia ini adalah persinggahan sementara, dunia yang sebenar dan hakiki adalah Alam Akhirat.
- Last year, during chatting with one of secondary schoolmate, he introduced me with facebook.
- From the facebook, i found blog.
- This 2 items have change my daily routine quite few months.
- I develop my own blog. At initial stage, i put my interest as palm oil miller as my blog image. Then i realised, i also add family matters, my future planning, my interest in others aspects.
- The latest i changed to 'Kembara Insan' - shown my perspective about daily life as 'Khalifah' in Allah world.
- I have put lots of knowledge, article and what ever i like. I also linked my blog to my friends, those success people and knowledgeable person.
- Facebook - last few days, my friends number achieved above 1000 psn. The number already higher than the person who introduces me to FB. My next target number is above 10,000 psn in one year.
- From all 1000 pcn, it come from every background.
- From politic to schoolmate to people arround the worlds.
- I see friends in my facebook as a connection to world.
- Those who are really extreme, i will reject and send complaint to administrator.
- I know, this gadget - facebook and blog are new fenomena for all people in the world.
- To use it, it depends on solely to your 'niat' - wish.
- Like Malay poem,
hari ini tanam pokok yang baik, esok tuai buah yang manis.
hari ini tanam racun, kelak diri sendiri akan rasa bahannya.