old freinds
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Norazmin; x Classmate Jay MRSM KT 96/96
Back 2 School Project ; MRSM Jeli 26th Feb 2010
Cikgu Nik Zainun, HEA MRSM Jeli, x-MRSM KT, 26th Feb 2010
- Cikgu Nik Zainun merupakan HEA di MRSM Jeli sekarang. Sebelum itu beliau merupakan guru biologi di MRSM KT, MRSM PC.
- Semasa di MRSM KT, beliau merupakan salah seorang guru kesayangan, kesukaan serta idola saya. Saya meminati subjek biologi disebabkan cara pengajaran beliau serta semangat yang diberikan setiap kali kelas.
- Anda akan mesra dengannya. Beliau suka senyum dan sepanjang mengenali beliau, saya tidak pernah melihat beliau marah serta bermasam muka. Itulah sebabnya saya suka tersenyum sekarang kerana mencontohi beliau.
- Saya masih mengingati tindakan beliau mengajak pelajar lelaki kelas J untuk melawat seorang rakan yang ponteng kelas. Semasa melawat, nasib pelajar tersebut baik sebab ditemui sedang membaca buku biologi. :)
- Rumah beliau di Wakaf Baru, menjadi antara lokasi penting untuk dilawati setiap kali saya balik kampung!.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Safety meeting > Effective meetings
Employers should hold regular safety committee meetings to ensure safety committee meetings to ensure safety & health programmes are implemented effectively at their workplaces. Meetings should be held regularly, at least once in 3 months. However, for workplaces with hazardous work environments, such as in manufacturing and building operations work sectors, more frequent meetings should be held. The folowing points can be taken into account to ensure effectiveness of committee meetings.
- What are the main issues to be discussed? stick to safety and health matters only.
- All relevant information on occupational safety and health must be made available to members. Members must given relavant training regularly.
- Minutes must be efficiently recorded and distributed.
- Speedy decisions and follow up actions must be made on any recommendations from members.
- Top management should strictly work on the concept of consultation and cooperation and encourage full participation from all members of the committee.
- Proper meeting facilities must be made available for committee use.
- Members should preferably be given some form of recognition by top menagement.
The establishment of a safety and health committee does not relieve others in the orgnisation of their duties and responsible :-
* management still retains the overall responsibility for safety.
* first line managers still retain responsibility for the staff and work area under their supervision.
Palm Oil Mill,
Steam Engineer,
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
DOSH Objectives
- To formulate and review policies, legislation, codes of practice and guildelines pertaining to occupational safety, health and welfare as a basis in ensuring safety and health at work.
- To ensure through enforcement and promotional works that employers, self-employed persons, designers, manufacturers, suppliers, importers and employees always practice safe and healthy work culture and always comply with existing legislation, codes of practice and guildelines.
- To assist and provide expert services in promotional training, information dissemination and research activities organized by government and non-governmental agencies, institutions of higher learning, associations of employers, workers and professionals in efforts to further upgrade the standards of occupational safety, health and welfare.
Internal Combustion Engineer,
Steam Engineer
DOSH Vision
To be a dynamic organization that leads the nation in creating a safe and healthy work culture towards enhancing the quality of working life.
History & Development of the Department of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) in Malaysia
Pre 1914 ; era of boiler safety
1914 - 1952 ; era of machinery safety
1952 - 1970 ; era of industrial safety
1970 - 1994 ; era of industrial safety & hygine
Post 1994 ; era of accupational safety and health
Internal Combustion Engineer,
Steam Engineer
DOSH Activities
- Tp become a secretariat and to give input to National Council regarding the safety and health at the workplace.
- To study, identify and policy making, regulations the safety and health at the workplace.
- To do technical analysis and to indetify steps to control dangerous occurrences of safety and health at the workplace.
- To review and to improve the design of boilers, upv, hoisting machine.
- To review and to improve the design of instrument related to the usage of petroleum product, industrial hygiene instruments and personnel protective equipment.
- To review and improve the design of storage system, delivery and usage of petroleum product.
- To provide examination syllabus and assessment and to carry out examination for certification competent person.
- To provide certification criteria and to do work on certification of competent firms and organizations.
- To identify, to review safety report and emergency responce plan, to do examination and audit on major hazard installation.
- Periodic examinations and safety and health audit on machinery and other workplace covered by Act 514.
- To monitor health hazard at the workplace.
- To review health hazard report by a competent person.
- Accident investigation, industrial disease and poisoning at the workplace and happenings at the workplace and related complaints.
- Orginaze and give talks and training related to safety and health.
- To give advisory service related to safety and health at the workplace to public and private agents and organizations.
- To collect and to provide information regarding safety and health at the workplace for reference, lending and circulation.
- To do prosecution activities.
Internal Combustion Engineer,
Steam Engineer
BEM Mandatory Course; Safety & Health At Work
Maulidul Rasul 12 Rabiuawal 1431H
- Maulidul Rasul, hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW pada tahun Gajah, 1431 tahun yang lalu.
- Rasullah SAW adalah Rasul Terakhir dan petunjuk sepanjang zaman.
- Peribadi, perkerti serta tingkah laku Baginda adalah agama Islam.
- Beliau hadir ke dunia untuk menjadi panduan kepada umat manusia menjadi khalifah di muka bumi.
- Untuk mengajar perihal ghaib, perihal akhirat, perihal malaikat, pahala, syurga, neraka serta hari Pembalasan.
- Beliau tidak datang untuk mengajar Fizik, Biologi atau kejuruteraan, kerana semua perkara sains boleh ditemui oleh akal pemikiran manusia.
- Namun, kebijaksaan serta kehebatan manusia, tidak mampu untuk memikirkan perihal akhirat serta hari Pembalasan.
- Untuk menjadi HambaNya, Baginda Rasullah SAW telah menunjukkan contoh terbaik dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian sebagai ketua keluarga, ketua negara, jiran, ketua angkatan tentera, hakim, ahli perniagaan, guru serta menjadi rahmat kepada seluruh alam (segala hidupan, haiwan, tumbuhan serta jin).
- Kita mesti melihat serta membuat senarai semak dalam kehidupan kita, berapa banyak yang telah dilakukan mengikuti Standard Rasullah SAW @ Standard Operasi Hidup Selamat Di Akhirat.
- Sirah Nabi perlu diperluaskan. Hari ini, generasi kita lebih mengenali Transformer, Naruto serta Doremon berbanding dengan sirah Nabi, Sahabat serta banyak ilmuan Islam.
- Akhir kata, diharap kehadiran maulidul Rasul 1431H membawa pengertian besar dalam kehidupan kita sekarang. Bukan setakat berarak semasa sambutan, tapi yang paling penting setiap standard yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah, menjadi keutamaan dari segala peraturan yang ada di dunia.
Quality; Set Standards for Success
Planning; Strategies for staying ahead
Harland Cleveland has defined strategic planning as the act of innovating around a general sense of direction. The words general sense of direction are a key component of this definitation, because no one has yet devised a way to plan in details vary far into the future. The future, perhaps fortunately, will always remain a mystery.
- Set a direction.
- Know your customer.
- Stay flexible.
- Use the home-court advantage.
Organization; Strategies to improve your competitive edge
Becoming a winner does not happen by accident. If you want to win - to be productive, profitable and competitive - then you have to organize yourself to make it happen.
- Start prooductivity programms at the top.
- Reduce layers of management.
- Spread accountability throughtout the organization.
- Make the competitive spirit an integral part of the corporate.
- Plan ahead & proceed step by step.
- Be customer & quality oriented.
- Keep the 'golden rule' golden.
- Find a better way - look for new ideas.
- Invest ! Invest! Invest!
- Train for the competition.
Teh Thian Sung, CEO of EU Institute
38-40, Jalan 20/16A, Paramount Garden, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
email : euinstitute@pd.jaring.my
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Innovative Management; 13 guideline for coming out on top
To be a successful compitor, you have to be a successful manager and a successful manager is a leader.
- Know where you are going and how you plan to get there and be flexible and persistent in the pursuit of defined goals.
- First things first, every day.
- Measure everyone's productivity - including your own.
- Be a mobile communicator
- Coordinate and control
- Computer are the key to productivity improvement
- Seek out and remove obstacles to productivity
- Reward your producers
- Encourage innovation, even if you have to ruffle a few feathers
- Expect and accept only quality
- Be enthusiastic
- Act now
- Stay healthy, be happy
Petaling Jaya 20th to 25th Feb 2010
Taman Tumbina, Bintulu, Sarawak ; 16th Feb 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
21 Laws Of Leadership
- Law of Lid
- Law of Influence
- Law of Process
- Law of Navigation
- Law of EF Hutton
- Law of Respect
- Law of Solid Ground
- Law of Intuition
- Law of Magnetism
- Law of Connection
- Law of the Inner Circle
- Law of Empowerment
- Law of Reproduction
- Law of Buy In
- Law of Victory
- Law of Big Mo
- Law of Priority
- Law of Sacrifice
- Law of Timing
- Law of Explosive Growth
- Law of Legacy
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achieveable
- Time based
- Reliable / Review
BEM Mandotory Course; Engineering Management Practice
IEM Training Centre Sdn Bhd.
No. 33-1A (1st Floor),Jalan 52/18,
PO Box 224 (Jalan Sultan P.O.) 46720 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
By Cdr (R) Ir Raymond Swa
Gading Institute Sdn. Bhd.
14 Fayol's Principles of Management
No. 33-1A (1st Floor),Jalan 52/18,
PO Box 224 (Jalan Sultan P.O.) 46720 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
By Cdr (R) Ir Raymond Swa
Gading Institute Sdn. Bhd.
14 Fayol's Principles of Management
- Division of labour
- Authority
- Disipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of directions
- Subordination of individual interests
- Remuneration
- Centralization
- Scalar chain
- Order
- Equity
- Stability of staff
- Initiative
- Espirit de corps
List Of Friends, date, venue
Sungai Tinjar pada 12hb. Februari 2010
Pemanasan global telah mengubah cuaca di banyak tempat di dunia. Malaysia tidak terkecuali darinya. Kita berkuasa untuk mengubah cara hidup kita untuk mengurangkan kesan tersebut.
- Jimatkan tenaga. Tutup bila tidak digunakan. Walaupun anda di pejabat, hotel atau di mana - mana. Disiplinkan diri bukan hanya di rumah.
- Tanam pokok. Jgn tebang pokok. Tanam sayur untuk kegunaan sendiri di rumah.
- Jimatkan air. Simpan air hujan daripada bumbung rumah. Gunakan untuk menyiram pokok bunga, cuci kereta serta perkara selain makanan dan minuman.
- Gunakan basikal serta kenderaan mesra alam. Beli kenderaan ikut kegunaan bukan ikut hati anda. Kenderaan bersaiz kecil, guna tenaga kurang berbanding kereta besar. Buat apa anda beli bas jika anda guna bas seorang diri untuk ulang alik ke pejabat.. lain la kalau anda bawa satu perumahan ke sana.
- Kitar semula semua perkara yang boleh dikitar. Sisa makanan boleh dijadikan baja.
- Jangan amalkan pembakaran terbuka.
- Kurangkan guna kertas. Gunakan kain yang boleh dikitar semua untuk ganti tisu kertas. Kitar semula kertas di pejabat. Gunakan kertas tersebut untuk memo dalaman. Kitar semula sampul surat.
- Jangan membazir makanan. Banyakkan sedekah jika ada makanan lebih.
- Jangan ajak orang berperang serta jangan beli senjata + bom. Simpan perasaan benci pada senjata.
- Gunakan tenaga solar.
- Gunakan sistem pengudaraan semulajadi di rumah. Pastikan rekabentuk rumah tidak menghalang pengaliran udara. Orang dulu buat rumah lebih cerdik berbanding kita sekarang. Buat rumah macam kotak mancis.
- Bina loji pengumpul gas metana di kolam effluent kilang sawit.
- Tiru cara menjana elektrik di kilang sawit yang menggunakan sepenuhnya bahan bakar daripada buah sawit.
- Jangan pilih YB yang suka merosakkan alam sekitar. Aku benci YB yang bakar hutan, tebang hutan, gondol tanah, serta cakap tak serupa bikin.
- Jangan merokok. Rokok haram di sisi agama tapi halal di sisi kerajaan. Kerajaan patut konsisten. Bukan separuh-2.
- Jangan guna plastik serta ambil plastik daripada pasaraya. Bawa beg sendiri. Polisi 'no plastic everyday.. " patut diperluaskan. Jangan sesekali mengambil plastik jika barang yang dibeli kecil serta boleh dimasukkan dalam beg. Amalkan untuk membawa beg ke mana - mana anda pergi.
serta banyak lagi.. semuanya di tangan anda!
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