Sunday, 16 February 2025
Safety is a journey
Monday, 10 February 2025
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Investigate & Learn
- Demonstrate care for the investigation team and all those impacted.
- Ensure the investigation team is curios and wants to understand the causes of the incident.
- Support your team in investigating incidents with high value learning, encourage them to actively participate in learning sessions and challenge them to adopt actions that will address the causes identified.
- Support, challenge and encourage investigation teams to make the performance system of the organization visible by discovering technical, procedural and behavioral causes.
- Create an environment in which gaining insight and preventing a repeat is the primary objective following an incident or near miss;
- Encourage staff to report incidents; remove blockers to reporting
- Openly recognize worksite staff who report events
- Avoid a rush to judgement
- Allow your team to give priority to implementing corrective actions and verifying the effectiveness of actions.
- Look back on previous notable incidents and verify that the actions are effective and sustainable.
- Drive learnings and change based on record and external incidents;
- Establish clear roles and responsibilities
- Ensure that for the incidents that are relevant to your assets, engagements take place with the relevant audiences and relevant action are established.
- How do i engage my organization to value and prioritize high value learning?
- How do i ensure that we incorporate causally-reasoned Human Performance analysis and Barrier Analysis in our investigations?
- How do i know whether my organization has learnt effectively from its own incidents and from the incidents of others?
- How do i drive effective and sustainable change in addressing causes and taking corrective actions that prevent repeat incidents?
- How do i involve contractors to learn effectively from their and our incidents?
- What are the key themes of our HSSE data profile?
- How do you ensure spend sufficient time to embed learnings (through engagements and corrective actions) from past incidents?
- What are the latest learning this organisation has used to improve safety?
- How was the learning from these incidents organised (internal, external)?
- What are the latest learnings this organization has used to improve safety?
- What changes were implemented?
- How is it known whether learning from incidents, addressing cause and taking corrective actions is effective and happening is a sustainable way?
- What are the strengths and areas for improvement of learning in this organization? How can it be improved?
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Knowledge and training
Learner mindset
A "mindset learner" refers to someone who adopts a growth mindset in their approach to learning.
This concept comes from psychologist Carol Dweck's work, where she distinguished between a "fixed mindset" (the belief that abilities are static) and a "growth mindset" (the belief that abilities can be developed through effort, practice, and learning).
A mindset learner is someone who embraces challenges, sees failures as opportunities to grow, and believes that their skills and intelligence can improve over time with perseverance and hard work.
They are typically more open to feedback and continuous learning.
Learner mindset
A "mindset learner" refers to someone who adopts a growth mindset in their approach to learning.
This concept comes from psychologist Carol Dweck's work, where she distinguished between a "fixed mindset" (the belief that abilities are static) and a "growth mindset" (the belief that abilities can be developed through effort, practice, and learning).
A mindset learner is someone who embraces challenges, sees failures as opportunities to grow, and believes that their skills and intelligence can improve over time with perseverance and hard work.
They are typically more open to feedback and continuous learning.
Learner mindset
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Ijazah kejuruteraan mekanik & jurutera stim
Apa kelebihan seorang graduan ijazah kejuruteraan mekanik dalam menduduki lesen jurutera stim?
Setelah permohon dilakukan kepada pihak Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dan diluluskan oleh Panel Pemeriksa, seorang graduan kejuruteraan mekanik hanya perlu menduduki peperiksaan oral atau termuduga sahaja.
Berbanding dengan ijazah kejuruteraan lain seperti kimia, elektrik dan elektronik, graduan ini perlu menduduki peperiksaan paper Engineering Knowledge, Thermodynamic dan Engineering Mathematic.
Sebelum OSHA 2022 diwartakan, graduan diploma kejuruteraan mekanik dengan pengalaman kerja di boiler yang mencukupi, boleh mengambil lesen jurutera stim setelah diluluskan oleh panel pemeriksa. Namun setelah OSHA 2022 diwartakan, graduan diploma tidak boleh lagi mengambil lesen jurutera stim.
Jurutera stim
Apa lagi yang boleh kita buat?
- Pada suatu petang semasa kami sedang minum di kantin, kami nampak seorang lelaki tua berlari ke arah kami dari hujung jalan. Tercungap - cungap keletihan. Kami terus menghampirinya.
- Beliau memaklumkan, cucunye lemas di dalam kolam air kilang. Kolam air kilang terletak agak terpencil dari pandangan kilang. Di bawah bukit dan di sedikit terlindung dari jalan utama.
- Sepantasnya kami mencapai kenderaan motor dan kereta memandu menuju ke lokasi kejadian.
- Hampir sepuluh orang pekerja termaksud penyelia kilang sampai ke kolam air kilang. Setelah mengenal pasti lokasi tempat budak lelaki berumur lapan tahun itu terjatuh, beberapa orang antara kami terjun dan menyelam mencari mangsa. Saya juga turut serta menyelam mencari mangsa. Lokasi kejadian ada kawasan konkrit tempat air limpahan mengalir. Ia sangat licin dengan lumut. Kolam pula sangat dalam melebihi paras 10 meter.
- Beberapa minit kemudian, salah seorang penyelia kilang menyambar tali pancing dan menariknya. Badan mangsa dicapai dan dibawa ke atas tebing. Melihat sebujur tubuh basah dan pucat. Kami melakukan CPR. Malah kami juga turut mengangkat badan mangsa dan menterbalikkannya untuk mengeluarkan air dari badan.
- Lebih menyayat hati, di badan mangsa masih ada tali pancing terlilit. Dari keadaan kawasan konkrit limpahan air yang licin penuh lumut, kami boleh jangka mangsa tergelincir jatuh ke kolam. Mangsa tidak dapat naik mahu pun pandai berenang dan disebabkan itu boleh nampak kesan tali pancing dikeliling badan.
- Mana mungkin mangsa mampu diselamatkan. Jarak jalan kaki ke kantin sahaja sudah hampir 20 minit. lebih kurang 15 minit kami menyelam sebelum mangsa ditemui.
- Mangsa adalah anak buah kepada foreman kami. Dia keluar memancing bersama datuknya. Kolam air kilang sebenarnya telah diwartakan sebagai kawasan larangan. Dilarang memancing dan melakukan sebarang aktiviti air. Semua pekerja tahu tentang perkara ini.
- Satu nyawa hilang. Pada masa itu kami melihat wajah foreman dan datuk mangsa menangis tanpa henti. Sangat sayu melihat suasana yang terjadi dan tidak mampu diubah lagi.
- Selang seminggu kemudianya, saya dan pengurus kilang duduk di kantin. Setelah lama berdiam diri, dia bertanya kepada saya. Kita telah buat banyak usaha untuk melarang pekerja daripada memancing dan melakukan sebarang aktiviti di sana, namun kenapa masih ada yang degil dan melanggarnya? Apa lagi yang kita boleh lakukan?
- Nak letak pagar agak mustahil kerana kawasan kolam itu sangat luas.
- Kemudian saya berkata, apa kata kalau kita letak tanda amaran, di sini ada buaya? supaya menakutkan orang daripada menghampiri kawasan ini.
- Bukan setakat letak papan tanda, malah kita boleh terus letakkan buaya di sana! supaya tidak ada lagi orang yang hendak pergi ke sana!
Influencing people to create the right conditions?
- What have i done to create the right environment for people to raise their concerns and solutions?
- How do i speak about cost and production in relation to safety?
- What are the impacts of the decision i made today?
- How can i make sure my team/colleagues can make a mistake without blame and harm?
- How do i know that my team/colleagues feel equipped to ensure delivery?
- What pressure are my contractors under that might impact their ability to do the job safely?
- Am i or my colleagues fatigued or distracted?
- Do people really raise their dilemmas to me?
- Macam mana satu kata - kata mampu memberi harapan dan seterusnya memberi bibit - bibit inspirasi?
- Macam mana satu kata - kata mampu membuatkan seseorang untuk meredah segala cabaran dan dugaan demi mencapai matlamat yang dicita - citakan?
- Kata - kata ini juga berlaku sebaliknya. Satu perkataan mampu untuk meruntuhkan sebuah jiwa raga. Kata - kata itu juga mampu untuk menyebabkan sebuah jiwa melekat parut luka hingga ke akhir hayat. Seperti pepatah Arab yang berbunyi, lidah itu ibarat pedang. Tajam dan mampu melukakan ramai orang dan juga diri - sendiri.
- Positif dan negatif.
- Contoh terdekat berlaku kepada diri saya adalah apabila sebuah harapan disampaikan kepada saya.
- Zul, we want to see you to be a head of facility in our Lahad Datu plant one day.
- Zul, i trust you are a great leader.
- Zul, you should do your best, because one day you will be a palm oil mill manager.
- Zul, i know you can solve the problem very well. If not today, maybe tomorrow. And i know, you can do better than me.
- Zul, if God gave you a test, it is mean He want you to be better.
- Setelah hampir berpuluh tahun menjadi pemburu motivasi, sedar tak sedar sebenarnya saya dikelilingi ramai orang yang telah memberi impak positif dalam hidup yang sebenarnya mengubah banyak hidup saya.
- Bukan setakat mengubah haluan hidup, malah menjadi tangan yang menarik saya dari terus tenggelam dalam dunia cabaran hidup kehidupan.
- Sebuah kata - kata itu ibarat percikan api yang diperlukan untuk membara dan membakar semangat kehidupan. Percikan yang hanya perlu sedikit namun kaya dengan hikmah kebijaksaan dan membakar membara bahan selamanya.
- Kita perlu seimbangkan, malah perlu lebih banyak memberikan kata - kata peransang membakar semangat memberi motivasi kepada setiap insan di sekeliling kita.
- Man, i want to see you to be a manager one day. Not only that, but a General Manager or a company CEO.
- Mie, i see a great potential in you. You can be a great leader or maybe one day a Chief Minister of Sabah or a Prime Minister.
- We want to grow all our engineer to be a manager one day. If not in this company, maybe in another company.
- So, we grow all talented young engineer. Inspire them and make them have a clear direction.
- Harapan.
Minda Islam
5C for Engagement
The 5 Cs of employee engagement—
Contribute, and
are critical for building a motivated and productive workforce.
Engagement at workplace
10 Powerful Steps To Improve Employee Engagement
- Improve Efficiency in the Workplace.
- Improve Communication.
- Give Recognition.
- Encourage Interaction.
- Invest in Your Employees, Invest in Your Company.
- Focus on Employee Wellbeing.
- Encourage Feedback, increase employee satisfaction.
- Emphasise Your Company Culture.
Cultivate positive culture
Here are five tips to create a positive work environment for your team:
- Engage in meaningful (in-person) dialog.
- Show your appreciation.
- Listen to everyone's ideas.
- Trust your team members.
- Be spontaneous and have a little fun.
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Kehidupan di kem
How to become a good an engineer?
Friday, 24 January 2025
Psychological Safety
Managing people : Psycological Safety
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Process Safety Incident
Process Safety Incident
Blind Operations
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Learner Mindset
Process Safety Management : Blind Operations
Incident due to -> Impact of poor communication/information handling
In summary :-
- Incomplete information
- Unclear information
- Overwhelmed with too much information
- Learning lessons from outside the boundaries of ones own experience.
- Exercising major accident scenarios.
- A robust management of change during crisis
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Koukishin Curiosity
Safety leadership
Macam mana boleh bertahan dalam satu syarikat selama 34 tahun?
Jurutera berkualiti
Learner Mindset
- Open-minded: People with a learner's mindset are receptive to feedback and new ideas.
- Curious: They are eager to learn more about things that interest them.
- Growth-oriented: They believe that their skills and talents can be developed.
- Proactive: They take initiative to solve problems and learn new things. Benefits of a learner's mindset
- Better adaptation: People with a learner's mindset can adapt to new environments and learn new skills.
- Better performance: They can achieve more and perform better at work.
- More creativity: They can be more flexible, creative, and connected. How to develop a learner's mindset
- Set goals: Set realistic goals that are measurable and time-bound.
- Practice gratitude: Focus on what you're grateful for and acknowledge the positive in your life.
- Take initiative: Ask questions, seek information, and take on new projects.
- Be open to feedback: View feedback as a tool for growth.