Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Loagan Bunut Mill on 28th Feb 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Sayang aku nak buang kalendar tahun 2011. Di situ tercatat kata- kata inspirasi daripada entah sapa - sapa. Namun, benda yang lama, patut dibuang daripada menjadi sampah di keliling kita. Untuk tidak merugikan kata - kata inspirasi itu, aku catat di sini, ;
We live in wonderful world.
Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it. (J. Petit Senn)
Those things of real worth in life are worth going to any length in love and respect to safeguard. (Julia Butterfly Hill)
Avoid praise, but do not be ashamed of reproach.
Happiness in when what you think and what you say and what you feel are in harmony. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Always have a song on your heart and you will be on a good note. (Christina Pagliarulo)
Have you seen the future? its with you in you thoughts!
Celebrate that which you share with others- For their joy, happiness and love shall bring you wealth beyond measure. (Rio Godfrey)
It's never to late to have a happy childhood. (Tom Robbins)
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. (Abraham Lincoln)
You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution. (Robert Kennedy)
People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest. (George Allen)
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. (Mother Teresa)
We live in wonderful world.
Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it. (J. Petit Senn)
Those things of real worth in life are worth going to any length in love and respect to safeguard. (Julia Butterfly Hill)
Avoid praise, but do not be ashamed of reproach.
Happiness in when what you think and what you say and what you feel are in harmony. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Always have a song on your heart and you will be on a good note. (Christina Pagliarulo)
Have you seen the future? its with you in you thoughts!
Celebrate that which you share with others- For their joy, happiness and love shall bring you wealth beyond measure. (Rio Godfrey)
It's never to late to have a happy childhood. (Tom Robbins)
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. (Abraham Lincoln)
You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution. (Robert Kennedy)
People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest. (George Allen)
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. (Mother Teresa)
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Hargailah hari kemarin; Hiduplah untuk hari ini; Dan mimpikanlah hari esok
Himpunan soalan-soalan Oral Exam Steam Engineer
1. Apa itu boiler?
2. Apa beza antara cerek dengan dandang?
3. Jelaskan perbezaan antara water tube dan fire tube boiler.
4. Sebutkan 13 essential fitting.
5. Bagaimana nak tentukan paras air didalam stim drum?
6. kenapa anda hadir untuk temuduga ini?
7. JKKP terletak dibawah kementerian apa?
8. Apa nama Ketua Pengarah JKKP?
9. FMA ada berapa seksyen?
10. Sebutkan tajuk besar 4 regulation yang berkaitan terus dengan steam boiler
11. Terangkan cara untuk menghidupkan boiler dari keadaan sejuk sehingga keluar stim.
12. apa yg dimaksudkan dgn "purging" dan bilakah masa yg sesuai utk melakukannya.
13. Bagaimana hendak menghidupkan boiler sekiranya tiada bekalan elektrik (Generator rosak)
14. Apa yg dimaksudkan dengan ASWP, OP dan DP?
15. Apa yg dimaksudkan dgn "steam exhausted" (kehausan stim)?
16. Berapa buah boiler yg ada dikilang anda dan berapa jumlah heating surface?
17. Apa kaitan antara heating surface dgn person incharge dan adakah kilang anda telah mematuhi
peraturan tersebut?
18. Terangkan proses rawatan air bermula dr sungai sehingga masuk boiler.
19. Apa itu HT?
20. terangkan cara2 untuk melakukan HT
2. Apa beza antara cerek dengan dandang?
3. Jelaskan perbezaan antara water tube dan fire tube boiler.
4. Sebutkan 13 essential fitting.
5. Bagaimana nak tentukan paras air didalam stim drum?
6. kenapa anda hadir untuk temuduga ini?
7. JKKP terletak dibawah kementerian apa?
8. Apa nama Ketua Pengarah JKKP?
9. FMA ada berapa seksyen?
10. Sebutkan tajuk besar 4 regulation yang berkaitan terus dengan steam boiler
11. Terangkan cara untuk menghidupkan boiler dari keadaan sejuk sehingga keluar stim.
12. apa yg dimaksudkan dgn "purging" dan bilakah masa yg sesuai utk melakukannya.
13. Bagaimana hendak menghidupkan boiler sekiranya tiada bekalan elektrik (Generator rosak)
14. Apa yg dimaksudkan dengan ASWP, OP dan DP?
15. Apa yg dimaksudkan dgn "steam exhausted" (kehausan stim)?
16. Berapa buah boiler yg ada dikilang anda dan berapa jumlah heating surface?
17. Apa kaitan antara heating surface dgn person incharge dan adakah kilang anda telah mematuhi
peraturan tersebut?
18. Terangkan proses rawatan air bermula dr sungai sehingga masuk boiler.
19. Apa itu HT?
20. terangkan cara2 untuk melakukan HT
Sumber : MSICCE
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Saya ingin menyumbang kepada Islam
- Syukur kepada Allah di atas segala nikmat dan rezeki yang Allah kurniakan kepada aku.
- Aku bersyukur sebab dikurniakan kesihatan, rezeki yang halal, isteri dan cahaya mata, keluarga yang penyayang, rakan - rakan kerja yang baik, jiran yang mesra, kenderaan yang baik, tanaman yang subur, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan sebagainya.
- Mac ini aku berusia 33 tahun pada 1433H. Meniti hari - hari yang mendatang, aku merasakan kekosongan dalam kehidupan aku. Terasa semacam satu kehilangan. Dalam mencari jawapan, aku rasa menemuinya. Aku perlu menyumbang sesuatu kepada Islam dan juga masyarakat.
- Apabila memberi sesuatu yang pada kita berlebihan daripada keperluan kita, ia perbuatan yang cukup mendamaikan hati dan jiwa aku. Terasa cukup bahagia apabila dapat menolong orang yang berada dalam kesusahan.
- Aku mendidik jiwa supaya menjadi seorang yang pemurah. Dermakan atau berikan apa sahaja yang terasa berlebihan daripada keperluan diri.
- Aku cukup gembira bila dapat mengajar seseorang dengan ilmu yang aku ada. Dengan ilmu yang baru aku perolehi. Malah, blog ini juga merupakan satu cara aku berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman aku yang aku rasa baik untuk semua. Aku menjadi admin salah satu group di FB dengan harapan dapat melahirkan lebih ramai jurutera stim dalam industri sawit dan negara. Baru - baru ini aku dilantik menjadi pengerusi sebuah pertubuhan anak negeri dan impian aku cuma satu, dengan amanah yang diberikan, apa yang dapat aku sumbangkan? Insya Allah, pengalaman aku sebagai pengurus akan aku gunakan sepenuhnya untuk mengurus pertubuhan tersebut dalam menjaga kebajikan ahli serta menyatukan semua anak - anak negeri yang menjadi ahli juga bukan ahli.
- Aku juga menubuhkan sebuah lagi group FB yang mengumpulkan seluruh keturunan keluarga aku yang berada di kampung dan kini bertebaran serata Malaysia.Niat cuma satu, ingin supaya genarasi ke 4 dan ke 5 mengenali sesama sendiri dan bangga dengan moyang kami seorang yang rajin berusaha, tinggi ilmu agama dan baik keturunannya.
- Aku menyertai sebuah syarikat sawit terkemuka negara beberapa tahun lepas atas dasar mahu mempelajari keistimewaan syarikat ini dalam merekabentuk kilang sawit dan satu hari berharap aku menjadi pakar dalam bidang rekabentuk kilang. Dengan itu, aku dapat menyumbang kepada industri sawit negara.
- Aku juga membayar zakat kepada Pusat Zakat Sabah kerana aku berpendapat, negeri itu memerlukan lebih banyak sumbangan ke arah menyuburkan penyuburan syiar Islam di sana.
- Di tempat kerja aku, aku banyak menerapkan budaya kerja positif kepada pekerja, staff, penduduk dan juga rakan kerja. Aku cukup gembira bila mana ada kalangan rakan kerja yang gembira disebabkan aku memberi inspirasi kepada mereka untuk meningkatkan mutu kerja, mengambil peperiksaan kelayakan dan memberi semangat kepada mereka untuk melihatkan prospek kerja yang lebih jauh. Sedikit sebanyak, pencapaian aku menjadi kayu ukur kepada mereka utk juga gigih berusaha.
- Aku tidak mahu memandang ke belakang lagi. Aku mahu terus ke hadapan. Apa lagi yang dapat aku sumbangkan?
Semasa kecil, aku selalu bercita - cita menjadi pejuang Islam. Pejuang yang menyumbang kepada Islam.
...jangan ditanya apa yang kamu perolehi, tapi tanyalah diri kamu apa yang kamu dapat sumbangkan.
Metaphors for Entrepreneurship
• Improvisational
• Inventive
•Complex – compare to music (jazz or symphony conductor), sports (golf), chess
• Inventive
•Complex – compare to music (jazz or symphony conductor), sports (golf), chess
The Fall of Giants
• Slow to change archaic strategy (average 6 years)
• Slow to change outdated culture (average 10 to 30 years)
• Slow to recognize and incorporate:
• entrepreneurship,
• entrepreneurial leadership, and
• entrepreneurial reasoning
• Slow to change outdated culture (average 10 to 30 years)
• Slow to recognize and incorporate:
• entrepreneurship,
• entrepreneurial leadership, and
• entrepreneurial reasoning
To be led
“People don’t want to be managed. They want to be led.”—
Ewing M. Kauffman
Ewing M. Kauffman
Definition of Entrepreneurship
a way of thinking,
and acting
that is opportunity obsessed,
holistic in approach, and
leadership balanced
for the purpose of value
and capture.
a way of thinking,
and acting
that is opportunity obsessed,
holistic in approach, and
leadership balanced
for the purpose of value
and capture.
Crafting an Entrepreneurial Strategy
• Profiling the Past
• Profiling the Present
Getting Constructive Feedback
• Solicit feedback from those who know you well and who can be trusted
• Seek specific comments in particularly important areas and probe for detail if the feedback is unclear
• Recognize that feedback is most helpful if it is neither all positive nor all negative
• Ask for feedback in writing for contemplation and so feedback from various sources can be pulled together
• Be honest and straightforward with yourself and with others
• Avoid game playing or hidden agendas; avoid defensiveness over negative comments
• Listen carefully to what is being said and think about it; avoid answering, debating, or rationalizing
• Assess whether all important information has been considered and you have been realistic in your inferences and conclusions
• Request help in identifying common threads or patterns, possible implications of self-assessment data and certain weaknesses, and other relevant information that is missing
• Seek additional feedback from others to verify feedback and to supplement data
• Reach final conclusions at a later time
A Words of Caution
Leadership and achievement the heart of the entrepreneur, are not measured by IQ tests, SATs, or GMAT scores and include:
• Leadership skills
• Interpersonal skills
• Team building and team playing
• Creativity and ingenuity
• Motivation
• Learning skills (versus knowledge)
• Persistence and determination
• Values, ethics, honesty and integrity
• Goal-setting orientation
• Self-discipline
• Frugality
• Resourcefulness
• Resiliency and capacity to handle adversity
• Ability to seek, listen, and use feedback
• Reliability
• Dependability
• Sense of humor
Desirable and Six Dominant Themes
• Desirable and Acquirable Attitudes, Habits and
• Six Dominant Themes
1. Commitment and Determination
2. Leadership
3. Opportunity Obsession
4. Tolerance of Risk, Ambiguity and Uncertainty
5. Creativity, Self-Reliance, and Adaptability
6. Motivation to Excel
• Six Dominant Themes
1. Commitment and Determination
2. Leadership
3. Opportunity Obsession
4. Tolerance of Risk, Ambiguity and Uncertainty
5. Creativity, Self-Reliance, and Adaptability
6. Motivation to Excel
3 Core Principles of Entrepreneurial
Three core principles of Marion Labs and the Kauffman Foundation:
1. Treat others as you would want to be treated
2. Share the wealth that is created with all those who have contributed to it at all levels
3. Give back to the community
1. Treat others as you would want to be treated
2. Share the wealth that is created with all those who have contributed to it at all levels
3. Give back to the community
An Entrepreneur
“Live what you talk, make your actions match your words. You must live what you preach and do it right and do it often. Day after day.”
“As an entrepreneur, you really need to develop a code of ethics, a code of relationships with your people, because it’s the people who come and join you. They have dreams of their own. You have your dream of the company. They must mesh somewhat.”
Heart of the Entrepreneurial Process
• The Opportunity Seeker
• The Creator and Initiator
• The Leader
• The Problem Solver
• The Motivator
• The Strategizer, and
• The Guardian of the Venture and its
• Mission,
• Values
• Culture
• The Opportunity Seeker
• The Creator and Initiator
• The Leader
• The Problem Solver
• The Motivator
• The Strategizer, and
• The Guardian of the Venture and its
• Mission,
• Values
• Culture
Monday, 20 February 2012
Attitudes and Behaviors of an Entrepreneur
1. Commitment and determination
*Tenacious and decisive, able to recommit/commit quickly
*Intensely competitive in achieving goals
*Persistent in solving problems, disciplined
*Willing to undertake personal sacrifice
*Immersed in the mission
2. Courage
*Moral strength
*Fearless experimentation
*Not afraid of conflicts, failure
*Intense curiosity in the face of risk
3. Leadership
*Self-starter; high standards but not perfectionist
*Team builder and hero maker; inspires others
*Treats others as you want to be treated
*Shares the wealth with all the people who helped create it
*Honest and reliable; builds trust; practices fairness
*Not a lone wolf
*Superior learner and teacher; courage
*Patient and urgent
4. Opportunity obsession
*Leadership in shaping the opportunity
*Has intimate knowledge of customer's needs and wants
*Market driven
*Obsessed with value creation and enhancement
5. Tolarance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainity
*Calculated risk talker
*Risk minimizer
*Risk sharer
*Manages paradoxes and contradictions
*Tolerates uncertainity and lack of structure
*Tolerates stress and conflict
*Able to resolve problems and integrate solutions
6. Creativity, self - reliance and adaptability
*nonconventional, open-minded, lateral thinker (helicopter mind)
*Restless with status quo
*Able to adapt and change; creative problem
*quick learner
*No fear of failure
*Able to conceptualize and "sweat details"
7. Motivation to excell
*Goal and results oriented; high but realistic goals
*Drive to achieve and grow
*Low need for status and power
*Interpersonally supporting (versus competitive)
*Aware of weakness and strengths
*Has perseptive and sense of humor
*Tenacious and decisive, able to recommit/commit quickly
*Intensely competitive in achieving goals
*Persistent in solving problems, disciplined
*Willing to undertake personal sacrifice
*Immersed in the mission
2. Courage
*Moral strength
*Fearless experimentation
*Not afraid of conflicts, failure
*Intense curiosity in the face of risk
3. Leadership
*Self-starter; high standards but not perfectionist
*Team builder and hero maker; inspires others
*Treats others as you want to be treated
*Shares the wealth with all the people who helped create it
*Honest and reliable; builds trust; practices fairness
*Not a lone wolf
*Superior learner and teacher; courage
*Patient and urgent
4. Opportunity obsession
*Leadership in shaping the opportunity
*Has intimate knowledge of customer's needs and wants
*Market driven
*Obsessed with value creation and enhancement
5. Tolarance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainity
*Calculated risk talker
*Risk minimizer
*Risk sharer
*Manages paradoxes and contradictions
*Tolerates uncertainity and lack of structure
*Tolerates stress and conflict
*Able to resolve problems and integrate solutions
6. Creativity, self - reliance and adaptability
*nonconventional, open-minded, lateral thinker (helicopter mind)
*Restless with status quo
*Able to adapt and change; creative problem
*quick learner
*No fear of failure
*Able to conceptualize and "sweat details"
7. Motivation to excell
*Goal and results oriented; high but realistic goals
*Drive to achieve and grow
*Low need for status and power
*Interpersonally supporting (versus competitive)
*Aware of weakness and strengths
*Has perseptive and sense of humor
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