Monday 20 February 2012

Attitudes and Behaviors of an Entrepreneur

1. Commitment and determination
*Tenacious and decisive, able to recommit/commit quickly
*Intensely competitive in achieving goals
*Persistent in solving problems, disciplined
*Willing to undertake personal sacrifice
*Immersed in the mission

2. Courage
*Moral strength
*Fearless experimentation
*Not afraid of conflicts, failure
*Intense curiosity in the face of risk

3. Leadership
*Self-starter; high standards but not perfectionist
*Team builder and hero maker; inspires others
*Treats others as you want to be treated
*Shares the wealth with all the people who helped create it
*Honest and reliable; builds trust; practices fairness
*Not a lone  wolf
*Superior learner and teacher; courage
*Patient and urgent

4. Opportunity obsession
*Leadership in shaping the opportunity
*Has intimate knowledge of customer's needs and wants
*Market driven
*Obsessed with value creation and enhancement

5. Tolarance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainity
*Calculated risk talker
*Risk minimizer
*Risk sharer
*Manages paradoxes and contradictions
*Tolerates uncertainity and lack of structure
*Tolerates stress and conflict
*Able to resolve problems and integrate solutions

6. Creativity, self - reliance and adaptability
*nonconventional, open-minded, lateral thinker (helicopter mind)
*Restless with status quo
*Able to adapt and change; creative problem
*quick learner
*No fear of failure
*Able to conceptualize and "sweat details"

7. Motivation to excell
*Goal and results oriented; high but realistic goals
*Drive to achieve and grow
*Low need for status and power
*Interpersonally supporting (versus competitive)
*Aware of weakness and strengths
*Has perseptive and sense of humor

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