Thursday, 26 February 2015

Depericarper Station


Key points to consider for design of depericarper system ;

  • press cake ratio to FFB - 31%
  • bulk density of press cake - 604 kg/m3 (19% fibre + 12% nut)
  • rotation speed - 60 rpm
  • tip speed - 2.1 m/s
  • pitch of paddle / ribbon - 150 mm or 6 in
  • loading factor - 1.3
  • fibre to FFB - 19%
  • air to fibre ratio - 4 : 1
  • air density at 27C - 1.1777 kg/m3
  • conveyor velocity - 25 m/s
  • separation velocity at 27C - 13 m/s
  • nut to FFB ratio - 12%
  • air to nut ratio - 5 : 1
  • air density at 27C - 1.1777 kg/m3
  • conveyor velocity - 24 m/s
  • separation velocity at 27C - 16 m/s

Source - Masrawana Mohd. Masran's Collection


Project 10 ACB
Masa : 6-8 minit


Toastmasters, tempat di mana lahirnya pemimpin.
1. PEMIMPIN. Diri – abang kakak – bapa ibu – ketua di tempat kerja – pemimpin kelab, setempat, negeri dan negara. KEPIMPINAN MELALUI TELADAN. PEMMPIN ITU DILIHAT DARI KEMAMPUANNYA, BUKAN DARI MANA ASALNYA. BIJAK DAN PINTAR. “WE GIVE RESPECT TO GAIN RESPECT”.

2.KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF. Komunikasi adalah penghubung manusia. Semakin hebat komunikasi, semakin hebat hubungan sesame manusia. SEMUA PEMIDATO YANG HEBAT ADALAH BERMULA DENGAN PIDATO YANG TERUK. KOMUNIKASI DUA HALA. Menyampaikan maklumat. Nasihat. Pengajaran. Ilmu. Idea. Arahan. Membawa orang bawahan ke arah lebih baik. Mewujudkan budaya yang baik. Mengubah minda dan mentality manusia kea rah lebih baik.

3. ILMU & PERKONGSIAN BERGUNA DARI AHLI. Doktor – jurutera – guru- ahli politik – ahli perniagaan – suri rumah – pegawai kerajaan – usahawan. SEBUAH UNIVERSITI TERBUKA untuk semua pihak. Tanpa kos yang tinggi. Tanpa kelayakan dan syarat yang ketat. BELAJAR DENGAN MELAKUKANNYA. Suasana yang kondusif, gembira dan produktif. Tanpa adalah elemen perpecahan seperti seks, agama dan politik. Belajar daripada mereka yang terbukti Berjaya. Contoh di depan mata. Ilmu teori dan praktikal di depan mata. Ikhlas daripada ahli untuk kebaikan semua pihak.


1. Jadi ahli toastmasters yang komited.
2. Ambil tugasan dan siapkan projek ucapan.

3. Amalkan segala pembelajaran di luar.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Inspiring Leaders

Process involves in Solvent Plant

PSolvent Extraction Process includes the following :


An efficient Extraction would need that every oil bearing cell of the material is in contact with the solvent. In other words, the smooth preparation prior to main extraction is very vital to comply with this contact, smaller the material size, better the penetration of the solvent into the oil bearing cells, but too fine a size will prevent the solvent from percolation through the mass. Hence an optimum size is absolutely essential for efficient extraction.

The method of material preparation does vary from material to material depending upon its oil content and physical properties. We group them as follows:
Oil Cakes
Oil Bearing Seeds (Soybeans, Sunflower, Rape Seed, Canola)
Floury Materials (Rice Bran)

In the case of oil cakes, being big pieces, has to be reduced to proper size and without fail, ensuring that there are no ‘fines’. Cake Sizer and Cake Cracker are the finest to this process.

In case of high oil content seeds like soybean, sunflower, rapeseed, canola it passes through, the well proven Expander after cracking, cooking & flaking. Seeds like sunflower, rapeseed, canola will pass through the squeezomatic attachment for squeezing the oil before the collects goes to extraction, passing through updated Drier Cooler.

In case of Floury materials like rice bran, etc. any of the above equipment are not workable. Hence an Pelletiser or Expander with conditioning arrangement has been used to form pellets before extraction.

The prepared material is transported to the Main Extraction Section via an  Conveyor.


The prepared material is received into the Extractor by an  Conveyor via an Air seal in the raw material receiver section, which has an arrangement for controlling the level of material received by the Extractor.

The design of Extractor is such that its speed is adjusted automatically depending upon the capacity being processed by means of level controllers coupled with variable frequency drive to its motor.

The Extractor chamber consists of a number of solvent sprayers which in uniform, sprays the solvent over the entire bed of raw material. The length and breadth is designed to give sufficient time for intimate contact, penetration and percolation of solvent into raw material. The Extractor is also designed with light and sight viewing glasses to view the spray distribution.

The material coming out of the spraying chamber is de-oiled material with solvent which is to be recovered in the Desolventising section where it is transported by means of a special Solvent Seal Conveyor . The mixture of the oil and solvent called “Miscella” is collected in the Miscella tank from where it is pumped to distillation section.
The de-oiled meal contains about 20% - 35% solvent by weight depending on the material. The meal must be desolventised.

The basic principal involved in Desolventation is direct heating of material with steam to a temperature well above boiling point of the solvent and thus ensuring no solvent is left over in the material. Toasting is also heating the material with direct and indirect steam to remove the remaining hexane and as well toast the meal.

Vapours of solvent are then sent to Condensers via Scrubber where the solvent vapour is washed, and particulars of fines are not carried to the condensers.

The Air seals are provided at inlet and outlet of Desolventisers to ensure an air tight arrangement. This is essential to keep the solvent loss figure down. The de-oiled and de-solventised meal thus obtained is then transported to Bagging Section.

Veendeep takes great care in designing and sizing the Desolventiser as to minimize the steam and power consumption.

Mixture of oil and solvent obtained in the Extractor is known as ‘miscella’ and it normally contains 12%-35% depending on the material used. During distillation, solvent evaporates first due to its low boiling point (64 to 67 deg C) thus leaving clean oil behind.

Distillation is performed in three stages under vacuum to ensure that no oxygen is present when the oil is heated to a high temperature.

Presence of Oxygen will exercise the oil, making it unsuitable. First evaporation takes place in Economizer and concentrates in the Evaporator, Pre Heater and Final Heater. After each step of evaporation the oil passes through Oil Vapour Separator, which separates the evaporated vapour leaving practically only oil behind. This oil is further treated with open steam in Stripper and then finally dried in Drier to ensure that no solvent finds its way along with the oil. The oil is finally cooled in OILTEK Oil Cooler to below 60° C before sending it to storage.

The solvent vapours thus produced by passing through Oil Vapor Separator to separate out any oil particles trapped with solvent vapors and are then passed on to OILTEK Condenser for condensation.

Solvent vapours are formed both in Desolventisation Section as well as in Distillation Section and these are to be condensed. Special floating head type Condensers are provided. The floating head type Condensers help in quick and easy removal of tubular bundles for periodical cleaning. Adequate surface area have been provided for condensers for complete condensation of solvent vapour.

Final Solvent Recovery
In spite of providing adequate Condensers, the air that is being injected out of the system contains traces of solvent. In order to recover the traces, a special final vent air stripping column has been provided. It comprises of a main OILTEK Absorber to give a large surface of contact. It is partly filled with mineral oil which is a suitable absorbing media that absorbs the solvent vapours from the air. The oil and solvent mixture is stripped to recover the solvent.


Meal Cooling
The deoiled meal from the desolventiser toaster is transported to bagging section via conveyors with cooling arrangements. In this section the meal is cooled in Meal Cooler which comes with blowers for cooling and cyclone for arresting dust particles.

The cooled meal from outlet of the cooler is then screened in a Screener/Grader for separating any large particles which are reduced to smaller fines in lump grinder. The meal is then bagged in Automatic Bagging Machine.


The de-oiled meal contains about 20% - 35% solvent by weight depending on the material. The meal must be desolventised.

The basic principal involved in Desolventation is direct heating of material with steam to a temperature well above boiling point of the solvent and thus ensuring no solvent is left over in the material. Toasting is also heating the material with direct and indirect steam to remove the remaining hexane and as well toast the meal. 

Solvent Plant

Solvent Extraction Plant

The purpose of solvent plant extraction, oil solvent extraction is to remove most of the oil contained in a seed. Extraction is conducted on prepared seeds or, generally in the case of high oil content seeds, the cakes obtained by the pre-pressing. Solvent Extraction consists of a sequence of five operations, i.e. :
Preparation of Seeds for Extraction which includes pre pressing for high oil content seeds.
Extraction of oil from the prepared material with the aid of food grade solvent.
Desolventising-toasting of the de-oiled seed /meal- often combined with drying and cooling of the said meal.
Distillation, to remove the solvent from the extracted oil.
Recovery of solvent, which is reused again and again at extractor level.

Oil Solvent Extraction plants which are able to process seeds like soyabeans, sunflower, cotton seeds, rapeseeds and floury material like rice brand.

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2B & 2P



Untuk mencapai status kebebasan kewangan, kita perlu menumpukan kepada SISI KANAN. Jika kita masih berada di SISI KIRI, status kewangan kita tidak akan berubah.

1. Makan Gaji
Walau apa pun jawatan kita, makan gaji bergantung kepada majikan dan prestasi kita bekerja. Jika apa - apa berlaku kepada diri kita sepanjang perkhidmatan, kita akan diberhentikan kerja dan mendapat skim pencen ilat PERKESO.

2. Bekerja Sendiri
Bekerja sendiri walaupun mendapat kebebasan dalam suasana pekerjaan, namun ia memerlukan kita sentiasa sihat untuk menjalankan pekerja kita. Jika kita sakit atau berhenti dari melakukan pekerjaan tersebut, maka sumber pendapatan kita secara automatik akan berhenti.

3. Perniagaan
Menjalankan perniagaan membawa maksud kita mempunyai sebuah syarikat. Syarikat itu akan memberikan keuntungan kepada kita. Walaupun kita tidak berada dalam syarikat semasa cuti, syarikat akan diuruskan oleh barisan pengurusan.

4. Pelaburan
Pelaburan adalah contoh sumber pendapatan pasif. Sebagai contoh kita melabur dengan membeli rumah dan menyewakan rumah tersebut. Sewaan akan memberikan keuntungan dan menjana sumber kewangan kita.

Dalam melakukan kesemua perkara di atas, yang PALING UTAMA adalah halal. Halal akan menyebabkan kita mendapat KEBERKATAN. Tiada gunanya banyak harta yang kita kumpulkan dari sumber yang haram kerana KEBERKATAN tiada. Akhirnya harta yang kita cari akan diwariskan kepada orang lain.

Mereka yang berusaha akan mendapat balasan. Harta yang terbaik adalah harta yang halal lagi berkat.
Ingat ALLAH & janganlah mencari harta dari jalan yang batil.

Semoga diberkati ALLAH.