Soalan Peperiksaan Jurutera IPD dan Jurutera Stim May 2017
1. Introduce yourself
2. Reason for coming to Oral Exam
3. What is IPD? Definition, Explain about classification
4. List down the different between Diesel vs Petrol Engine
5. List down the different between 4 Stroke vs 2 Stroke engine
6. Explain the operation of Gas Turbine
7. List down the GT Hazards at your OPU
8. PIC - Terangkan Risk Matrix
1. Explain Heating Surface
2. Explain PIC responsibility
3. Explain blowdown? State the reason for blowdown
4. Explanation on Fire Tube Model?
– Part by part
– 13 essential fitting
5. Explain your work?
6. Tugas-tugas bersama majikan dalam OSHA 1994?
7. Reason for coming to Oral Exam
1. Definition of Heating Surface & purpose
2. PIC Regulation – Table of Heating Surface
3. Water Quality
– Specification of Program , Si , Na
– Code
4. Explain part on Water Tube model
5. What is the Soot Blower & function?
6. Defect Steam Drum Bulging
– Step from Finding > Repair > Inspection & Test > Operate
7. Regulation related to boiler operation
8. Explain the engineer duty at OPU
1. Definition of Steam Boiler Repair as per SBUPV Regulation 79
2. Explain How to repair Bulging at Steam Drum
3. Explain the installation of expanded tube
4. List down the items in HIRAC
5. How to treat – heat effected zone
6. How to perform Replica Test
7. How does the UT Inspection method detect under surface crack
1. List down Act related to ICE
2. What is IPD? Definition, Explain about classification
3. List down the different between Diesel vs Petrol Engine
4. Explain the operation of Gas Turbine
5. Can Engineer replace Driver?
6. How to check overspeed if no indication at panel and what to do
7. Specification of Diesel for Gas Turbine? What is the difference of Diesel for vehicle?
8. List down the different between Otto & Diesel Cycle
1. Apa pekerjaan anda sebagai Steam Engineer
2. Repair procedure details with documents
3. Penetrant type and relation with CHRA
4. Kesesuaian DT & NDT pada defect :
– RT
– Dye-Pen
– Hardness
5. Definition of Boiler Integrity?
6. Definition of Repair?
7. Clause RT used for which defect
1. Explain about What is IPD? Definition, Explain about classification
2. Operation of Gas Turbine
3. Operation of Diesel Engine
4. Hazard of Gas Turbine / Diesel Engine
5. Protection and Control of Gas Turbine
6. Specification of Diesel for Gas Turbine? What is the difference of Diesel for vehicle?
7. PIC responsibilities - explain
8. Scenario : If the plant have 7 unit of ICE (Total Power 20,000 kW)
– Specify requirement for Competent Driver / Engineer
1. List down the Boiler Component
2. Explain about Water Gauge
3. List down all 13 fittings for Boiler
4. PIC responsibility
5. Definition of Heating Surface and how to calculate
1. List down the Boiler Component
2. 13 fittings and explain as per regulation requirement
3. Design of Fusible Plug
– What type of Metal
– Explain the function & process how copper melt
4. Q=m C AT . Explain radiation , convection and conduction
5. Heating Surface
– Steam Drum surface calculation
– Why the downcomer not part of heating surface
– Why the economizer not considered as heating surface
6. Explain why Low Water Alarm required casing.
– Demonstrate how Low Water functioning at Fire Tube model
7. Furnace and explain the type of furnace
8. Where is the radiation take place at Boiler
9. List down the Boiler Hazard
10. PPE & Signage
1. 13 fittings and its function. Show the location at Boiler Model
2. Explain about Water Treatment. Internal and external water treatment. Facility Involved
3. Specify the Water Specification before and after treatment
4. Method of Boiler Storage. Wet and Dry Storage
5. Specify of Law and Regulation related to Boiler
6. PIC responsibility
7. Definition of Heating Surface and how to calculate
Ref FB Din Msiea
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