Tuesday 13 September 2011

IPD 2 (2 stroke Petrol Enjin)

bab 1
bab 2

Perjalanan stroke
1. Induction stroke
2. Compression stroke
3. Firing stroke - explosion stroke
4. Exhaust stroke

1. Induction stroke
1.1 Dengan pergerakan piston ke bawah, liang kemasukkan (inlet port) akan tertutup dan liang perbersihan (scavenging port) terbuka memaksa campuran gas dari crank chamber ke dalam selinder.

2. Compression stroke
2.1 Apabila piston mula bergerak ke atas, ia mula - mula menghadang permbersihan (scavenging) dan kemudian exhaust port
2.2 Dengan itu, ia akan memampatkan campuran gas sedia ada dalam selinder.
2.3 Manakala inlet port pula terbuka, campuran gas mengasak ke dalam chamber kerana sedutan akibat pergerakan piston

Pembersihan sesebuah selinder dari gas-2 exhaust dengan mengasak ke dalam arus udara yang membekalkan udara bersih untuk compression stroke seterusnya.

Nota tambahan

In automotive usage, scavenging is the process of pushing exhausted gas-charge out of the cylinder and drawing in a fresh draught of air ready for the next cycle.

This process is essential in having a smooth-running internal combustion engine. Modifying the exhaust system, (i.e. modifying the exhaust gas velocity by changing exhaust tube diameters) can detract from the "ideal" scavenging effects, and reduce fuel efficiency and power if not properly planned out and executed.

To increase scavenging potential, the entire path from intake to exhaust (i.e. all powertrain parts) to tailpipe must be tuned in sync with each other. This will ensure that the air flow is never interrupted. The acceleration and deceleration of this exhaust gas is what will hinder the scavenging potential.

For example, fast flowing heads and a tunnel ram intake combined with a badly planned camshaft and exhaust system will cause the air to "slow down" and "speed up" throughout its journey, thus reducing its scavenging potential. So, to increase scavenging potential, the air must maintain a positive linear acceleration curve.

There are three types of scavenging on the basis of the flow of air:

1. Direct or cross scavenging
2. Loop scavenging, using Schnuerle porting
3. Uniflow scavenging

3. Firing stroke
3.1 Apabila saja piston terus naik ke atas, campuran gas dalam selinder akan bertambah mampat
3.2 Penyalaan berlaku apabila injektor menyemburkan minyak

4. Exhaust stroke
4.1 Tekanan daripada pembakaran menolak piston
4.2 Gas buangan keluar melalui exhaust port
4.3 Manakala udara yang bersih disedut ke dalam crank chamber menjadi mampat

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