Thursday 23 September 2010

Employment Misconduct

Misconduct id defined as an act or behavior which is improper, unacceptable and/or inconsistent with the fulfillment of the expressed or implied conditions of service.
Act of Misconduct
An act in which will result in disciplinary action being taken against the offender.

1. Abuse of use of computer/information and ICT.

  • Spreading of virus
  • Surfing to visit inappropriate websites
  • Using unlicensed software
2. Act of dishonesty

  • Provision of false and misleading information
  • Provision of false information for own personal gain/benefit.
  • Falsification of company information, documents and/or records.
  • Forging
  • Purchasing of medical certificates.
  • Visiting a medical practitioner to getting false medical leave.
  • Feigning illness.
  • Theft.
  • Misappropriation or unauthorized use
  • Stealing of other employees belongings and/or property within the Company's premises.
3. Act of Disrespect and Insubordination.

  • Showing insensitivity, intolerance and direspect towards the opposite gender other races and/or the religious requirements of others.
  • Showing disrespect to a colleague, subordinate or superior.
  • Insubordination, disobedience or refusal or failure to follow any lawful or reasonable order/directive of a superior of the company.
  • Striking at work or inciting others to strike in contravention of any law or rule enforced.
  • Obstructing other employees from work.
  • Participation in illegal/unauthorized gathering within the Company's premises.
  • Removing or altering any matter on bulletin or notice boards without the permission of the Company.
  • Removing from the Company's premises any of the Company's properties without prior approval.
  • Tampering, defacing or damaging the Company's properties.
  • Entering into a prohibited area without prior approval from the Company.
  • Unreasonable refusal to carry out overtime work as required by the Company.
  • Deliberate bypassing of the Company's usual channel of communication.
  • Challenging the Company to dismissal.
4. Act of Violence, Inappropriate Behaviors and Criminal Offenses.

  • Rioting or participating in disorderly behavior within the Company's premises or within its vicinity at any time.
  • Fighting within the Company's premises or within its vicinity at any time.
  • Harassing another employee, including stalking another employee.
  • Serious pecuniary indebtness e.g. incuring excessive debt with the Company, employees or external parties.
  • Using of insulting, demeaning or vulgar words or gestures against another employee or outsiders within the Company's premises or its vicinity at anytime.
  • Defaming, degrading, discrediting or dishonoring the Company or any of its employees.
  • Spreading of malicious rumors about the Company or any of its employees.
  • Any form of violence, abuse, assault (including threatening to assault or injure) against another employee or outsiders.
  • Possession of unauthorized firearms or other dangerous weapons within the Company's premises.
  • Committing any indecent act on the Company's premises.
  • Criminal conduct or the employee's failure to report to the Company his criminal conduct that would adversely affect the employee's work performance or cause major discredit or embarrassment to the Company.
  • Conviction and imprisonment for any criminal offence.
  • Any other acts that could bring disrepute or embarrassment to the Company.
5. Alcohol, Drug and Gambling.

  • Possession or the abuse of illicit or unauthorized drugs or narcotics.
  • Drinking of alcoholic beverages within the Company's premises or during working hours.
  • Being intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs during working hours, within the Company's premises or while on Company's business.
  • Drug addition.

6. Business Conduct and Conflict of Interest

  • Organising, holding or participating in any meeting on matters not related to the Company's business or not related to his work within the Company's premises without prior approval from the Company.
  • Distributing or displaying any unauthorised notices or literature on the Company's premises without prior approval from the Company.
  • Participating in unauthorised finacial transaction or private trading within the Company's premises.
  • Abuse or unauthorised use of the Company's assets and properties.
  • Failure to pay monies owed to the Company.
  • Making unauthorised public statements regarding the affairs of the Company.
  • Unauthorised liaison with the press about the Company.
  • Disclosing the Company's secrets, designs or any other confidential information.
  • Publishing or writing of articles, books or other materials against the interest of the Company.
  • Non - compliance of the Company's Code of Conduct and Letter of Undertaking or any other similar codes or regualtions.

7. Lateness, Absenteeism and Attendance

  • Habitually late for work.
  • Absence without leave / obtaining prior approval from the Company or without valid cause.
  • Absence from the work place during working hours or leaving the work place before the end of the working hours for unofficial reasons or without obtaining prior approval from the Company.
  • Exceeding the time limit granted for lunch break or any other breaks granted by the Company.
  • Malingering and loitering during working hours.
  • Failure or refusal to record attendance time (time in, time out and any movements in between, where applicable).
  • Unauthorised use or abuse of ID/access cards, time attendance cards, (or any other form of attendance records or used by the Company) including punching another employee's time card or recording the attendance of another employee.

8. Safety & Health.

  • Failure or refusal to obey and comply with safety and health rules and work regulations.
  • Tampering with Company's safety devise, equipment etc.
  • Failure or refusal to wear or use safety equipement provided by the Company.
  • Failure to take care of tools, equipment, facilities etc entrusted to him.
  • Failure to immediateley report to his superior any defect in any equipment connected with the employee's work which has come to his knowledge.
  • Smoking in restricted/probihited areas.
  • Refusal or failure to submit to medical treatment provided by the Company for addition of any kind or for any form of illness or injury.
  • Refusal, failure or deliberate delay in reporting serious infection or contagious illness/disease to the Company.

9. Sexual - related Offenses.

  • Sexual assualt against another employee or outsiders.
  • All forms of sexual harrasment (verbal, non-verbal, visual, psychological and physical) against another employee or outsiders.
  • Sending or distribution of sexual-related materials (such as pornographic materials, lewd messages etc.)
  • Keeping or viewing of pornographic materials e.g. pictures, videos, websites etc on Company's premises.

10. Work Performance.

  • Repeated or flagrant acts of inefficiency, incompetence or negligence in the performance of duties.
  • Failure or refusal to comply with standard work procedures.
  • Repeated failure to meet established standard of production or output.

11. Others.

  • Failure or refusal to adhere to the Company's dress and grooming guidelines.
  • Failure or refusal to wear uniforms as required.
  • Defacing or making unauthorised alterations to the Company's uniforms.
  • Sleeping on duty.
  • Unnecessary wastage of the Company's materials and resources.
  • Allowing unauthorized persons to enter into prohibited/restricted area without obtaining prior approval from the Company.
  • Making or receiving excessive personal telephone calls using the Company's telephone or own handphone on Company's time.
  • Inciting or aiding another employee to commit any of the offences listed herewith.

*this article is not related to any of company or individual. It is only human resources info from general management books.

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