Tuesday 30 March 2010

Improvement Project at Loagan Bunut POM 2008-2010

Improvement activity since y2008 - 2010.
  1. Quarters (Manager's Bunglow, Staff & Labour) upkeep, maintenance, landskaping & improvement.
  2. Establish gotong royong culture among labours to maintaning the quarters compound.
  3. Road to quarters and mill access road.
  4. USB % from an average 10% to below 3%. Improve extraction rates of CPO & PK.
  5. OER at average 20% to above 21%.
  6. QMS9001; awareness, delegation & implementation. Maintaining quality certificate since y 2007.
  7. Mill landskaping & upkeep.
  8. Setup Preventive maintenance.
  9. Establish history card - recording for maintenance activity.
  10. Establish Safety Committee to enhance safety awareness together Fire Fighting Squad & First Aid Squad.
  11. Establish safety signage to enhance safety awareness.
  12. Establish KSLB Recreation Club to enhance all welfare activity and improve organization skill among staff & workers.
  13. Increase feed water temperature from 60 degree C to 70 degree C.
  14. Encaurage boilerman to attend boilerman Grade 1.
  15. Reduce workers & staff turnover.
  16. Solving high temperature problem at turbine water coolant.
  17. Increase sundry revenue by selling pk shell.
  18. Reduce diesel comsumption by running boiler extra hours.
  19. Safety - Establish "Permit Kerja Kontraktor" to enhance safety among contractors. (Jun 2008).
  20. Safety - Establish evacaution point - for emergency evacaution assembly. (Jun 2009)
Project basis :-
  1. Double thresher to improve loose fruit recovery at Threshing Station.
  2. Recycling pump at Faculatative Ponds. Enhance effluent treatment. (Oct 2009)
  3. CEMS - DOE Install system for continous emmision monitoring system. (March 2010)
  4. Install chlorination system for water - domestic line.
  5. New units 2 x JESA for staff quarters. (Feb 2008)
  6. Install new P25 screw press. (Sept 2009).
  7. Install Cages Repair Bay for 15 MT cages maintenance.
  8. Install 2nd Fruit Elevator. (March 2010).
  9. Recycling effluent treated water for landskaping. (Mac 2010)
  10. Additional water clarifier outlet at water treatment plant to reduce chemical consumption. (Dec 2009)
  11. Recycling discharge water to reservior water to reduce water consumption. (March 2010)
  12. Mill notice boards to enhance internal communication.
  13. Establish Staff & Workers Monthly Morning Briefing. (Jun 2008)
Pending / Outstanding
  1. Develop a good engineer / assistant manager.
  2. Morning briefing to enhance workers & staff interpersonnal skills & safety awareness.
  3. Staff monthly gotong - royong.

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