Wednesday 20 January 2010

Audit Concept; Organisation and process

Effective audits evaluate overall oragnisational goals and core processes to ensure the expected outcomes are achieved. Auditor competencies require auditors to effectively evaluate product/service realisation processes and supporting activities to verify their degree of conformity and effectiveness.

To achieve these golas auditors need to have a real understanding of the auditee's organisation and it's processes. The audit function needs to be aware of strategis (planning) information such as vision and goals in order to evaluate policies and operational activities effectively. Similarly, process based activities and associated inputs, outputs, controls and resources, need to be understood in diffferent contexts if they are to be verified appropriately.

Understanding would include information on
  1. Vision and mission
  2. Goals & objectives
  3. Strengths and weakness
  4. Core processes and activities outcomes
  5. Management processes and activities
  6. Sub - contracted process and activities
  7. Support process and activities
  8. Organisational structure; respolsibility / authorities
  9. Organisational units, deoartments and work environments
  10. Infrastructure; facilities and equipment
  11. Quality system docomentation
  12. Process maps
  13. External documentation
  14. Technical requirements
  15. Employee numbers and competencies
  16. Work hour and shifts
  17. Workplace, environment and safety issues

Key point

Understanding the organisation enhances the effectiveness of an audit

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