Tuesday 19 January 2010

Audit Obejctives

  1. Verify requirements
  2. Verify conformance
  3. Verify supplier capability
  4. Determine the conformity
  5. Verify regulatory requirements
  6. Determine effectiveness
  7. Identify opportunities for system improvement
  8. Evaluate assigned characteristics of a process, system & product

Resource Management
Clause 6.1 Provision of resources
Resource needed to implement maintain and improve the quality management system and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements deed to be determined and provide.

Establish, maintain and improve QMS
Organization chart, Business Plan (Budget), Position description for management representatives, QA manager, Procedures on audit, Document control, improvement

Customer satisfaction
Organization chart, satisfaction plans, master schedule (People, materials, equipments), Infrastructure, Equipment, Customer service, vehicle register.

Clause 6.2.1 General
Any personnel performing work directly of indirectly affecting product or service requirements need to be competent.

Objective evidence
Organization chart, Job description, Competency matrix, performance appraisals, certificate of currency, skills test, certificates, licenses

Clause 6.2.2 Competence, training and awareness
The necessary for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product/service requirements must be determined. Training or other actions must be provided and the effectiveness of such training or actions evaluated. Employees need to be aware of the relevance and importance of their roles and activities and records of education, training, skills and experience need to be retained.

Objective evidence

6.2.2a Competence required
Job descriptions, task specification

6.2.2b Training / other provided
Training records, recruitments and job appointments, sub – contractors

6.2.3c Effectiveness monitored
Skills test, performance appraisals, probation reviews, customer feedback, audits.

6.2.2d Awareness training
Induction program, induction records, notice board, briefing

6.2.2e Appropriate records

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